In detail about the signs, symptoms and treatment of varicose veins in the legs in women

According to statistics, varicose veins in the legs suffer more than 72% of all women on the planet. Just someone has symptoms of varicose veins are mild, and somebody's illness was transferred to the resulting shape. Today we will talk about the characteristics of female diseases of veins – for what reasons occurs, as manifested by what is dangerous. We can also look at the testimonials of people who are experiencing symptoms of varicose veins, and to read the expert reviews on the how to treat varicose veins on the legs in women.

What's going on with the veins

he has a problem with the veins for women

The blood is transferred from our body in a circle, without stops. Directs the movement of the heart: due to the rate of blood promoted by the arteries, the veins. From top to bottom, the liquid goes easily – the reason power of attraction. But, when it came to toe, you will have to turn around and in the veins to go up. And this, taking into account the gravity problematic.

In order to process the circulation of blood on the side of the heart, it is possible to, vienna should have a strong and elastic walls, and venous valves, perform the function of a particular series, should be operated like a clock. Diagram of sound pressure of the movement is: the heart elbows liquid in the vessels, the walls of veins are destroyed and elevate the blood up, valves collapse and record the flow at a particular section, I don't give blood "slide down". On the next contraction, of blood vessels flow moves into a new phase and there is as follows a valve.

And now, let's assume that for some reason:

  • The walls of the veins lose tone and become less elastic, the is done can't pick up a large quantity of blood.
  • Valves "break," and don't lock themselves completely, bypassing part of the venous blood in the opposite direction.

In this scenario, congestion: arterial blood down to the feet of the previous situation, but he's serving a sentence behind in the heart with a slow speed. In place of "fracture" begins to gather too much blood, dilates the walls of the veins even more, showing visible symptoms of varicose veins.

Why is there disease

Doctors believe that the main cause of growth in women varicose veins in the legs — hereditary predisposition. If mom, dad, grandma or grandpa manifest some of the symptoms of varicose enlargement of the veins, then this disease, with great probability, betrayed by a woman. In addition, the person may not be aware of, that has a predisposition to varicose veins in the legs. The disease manifests itself only under the influence of certain factors. In the first phase, disturbance to the functioning of the veins occur in women with "prestige" of professions. The danger zone is:

  1. Surgeons.
  2. Dentists.
  3. Hairdressers.
  4. Sellers.
  5. Teachers.

The sedentary life causes varicose veins. Particularly at risk are the ladies love to sit in the leg or foot to the other, – in the position of vienna pinch, and impaired blood circulation.

Another common cause of the varicose veins in the legs and thighs, is the increase of intra-abdominal pressure and compression of the veins. This occurs during the lifting of a large weight, that varicose veins often occur in women, interested exercises at the gym. In half of the cases of varicose veins occur during pregnancy. And for this reason, occurs not only varicose veins in the legs, but also the extension of the veins of the pelvis (groin).

The first events

There is the so-called pre-varicose veins, when it was officially a disease, not yet, but there are signs of formation of dysfunction of the veins. During the examination the doctor didn't detect it explicit deviations – the tone of the veins at the stage before varicose veins is better, blood circulation and optimal. But to micromanage varicose veins already started to take shape, and a woman can notice easily the symptoms.

The symptoms of varicose veins in some degree of the following:

  • Tolerant of heaviness in the legs (shown after a long walk or prolonged stay in one place).
  • Barely noticeable swelling of the legs at the end of the day.
  • Occasionally appears tingling in the legs or cramps (suddenly occur and pass quickly).

At this stage of varicose veins women it is easier to take measures, and it required some serious treatment. Fitness centre, massage and neuropathy compression process for the legs – this is all for prevention activities, which will help you to veins to normal, but, unfortunately, few begins to realize, preferring to ignore the symptoms of attention.

Clear signals of problems with the veins of the girl

A later stage of varicose veins in the legs of women mainly characterized by external evidence: during the formation of varicose veins in the legs occur, and quite quickly grow swollen vein blue color (in severe forms are purple). Apart from the color change, the veins begin to be palpable under cover deficit (as a compressed lumps).

Varicose veins in the legs of women is not only the external symptoms. If you can read reviews of patients, you will see that almost all women with varicose veins complain of the following symptoms:

  1. The pain, the severity and burning sensation in the legs.
  2. The numbness of the toes of the feet.
  3. A decrease in the sensitivity of the skin in the area of sick part of the body.
  4. Feeling crawling on skin chills.
  5. Frequent cramps in the legs.

Sad consequences

If you run a varicose veins on your legs, then symptoms of disease will be extremely painful. Venous extension is very large – walking with bare feet will not be possible. Vascular iodine will be converted into a huge protruding "vein bunches". When any injury that would burst, bleed and fester. Severe pain, burning sensation, cramps in the legs disturb the woman and with physical activity, and at rest. Move becomes difficult.

Prolonged disorders of blood flow, you may have symptoms of dermatitis, eczema and other skin and subcutaneous pathological changes. In most cases, the operation of varicose veins in the legs appear trophic ulcers of the feet and thrombosis. These anomalies are very difficult to cure, and have extremely painful symptoms – it's best not to bring the situation to an extreme and start treatment at an early stage of varicose veins.

Treatment initial manifestations

the treatment of varicose veins

If varicose veins in the legs has gently the symptoms, you can try the treatment at home using a special lingerie – this can be socks or tights. In the early stages the use of special products in conjunction with removing the cause that caused the disease, helps to rid the woman of the varicose without drugs.

Compression socks and stockings act in accordance with the principle of the braid. Improve lost tone of the veins and create the appropriate blood pressure. Judging from the comments of experts, is the underwear also helps to keep the blood vessels, the desired position, and gives them stretch even more. Only we draw your attention to: at home treatment varicose veins may be is only stockings and tights with a minimum degree of compression. Products with strong compression be used only with permission of dr.

What other treatments can be used at home? The same initial treatment of varicose veins in the legs women with the help of folk remedies. In the comments they write well for the following folk instruments:

  • Rub the legs tincture of horse chestnut, plantain, chamomile, onion skins, or nettle.
  • Warm compresses bandages, bordering the durable teaspoon soldering or infusion of oak bark.
  • Foot rub aloe juice or kalanchoe.
  • Massage, legs, apple cider vinegar (must be diluted, is not to cause a burning sensation).

In other ways, such as the treatment of varicose veins of people's ways, you can see it in various blogs, where different people give real reviews on different treatments. For example, it says a lot about how to treat early varicose veins at home using the anatomic pillow.

Attention: folk remedies can not replace drug treatment function of varicose veins. If the symptoms of the disease is very clear, then, unfortunately, the treatment without pills and ointments will not work.

In for medical help

When severe varicose veins of the legs have to start the treatment vein drugs. The doctors in the first series of the appoint women drugs with the therapeutic effect. The purpose of this treatment is the narrowing of the lumen of the veins in the legs and restoration of venous valve.

To sum up: varicose veins in the legs of women often occurs for a variety of reasons. For the disease there is, it's better to take care of in a timely manner to prevent, which can be carried out at home. If the signs continue to give yourself to know a stand alone treatment can be carried out only in the early stages. With a strong sign of illness can be treated only drug for the will choose the doctor.