Foot massage for varicose veins - when can you do it and what techniques are better to use

It is possible to massage varicose veins

Varicose veins require complex treatment, which includes drug therapy and the use of conservative and surgical methods. One way to relieve the symptoms of the disease is to massage the varicose veins.

There are many techniques available to improve venous health and reduce swelling. However, experts do not recommend using them without consulting your doctor, as incorrectly selected massage of varicose veins can aggravate the symptoms and lead to serious complications.

Is it possible to massage varicose veins?

Disorders of venous circulation in the lower extremities are caused by venous weakness, however, the main source of the disease is often insufficient muscle tension. That is why doctors consider varicose vein massage as a very effective method of disease prevention and treatment.

A course therapy consisting of 10-12 sessions is needed to noticeably improve the condition of the blood vessels and reduce the symptoms.

The main task of varicose veins is to reduce the load on the walls of blood vessels and increase their tone. In addition to drugs, this can be done using conservative methods. Even a massage for the classic relaxation of varicose veins can significantly improve the patient's condition.

With the right technique you can:

  • improve the general condition of blood vessels by increasing the venous wall;
  • Increases venous blood flow and reduces venous load by increasing muscle tone;
  • reduce swelling by increasing microcirculation in soft tissues;
  • Relieves swelling by increasing lymph drainage.
What massage can be done with varicose veins

According to official standards, only certain types of massage can be done for varicose veins. In addition, when choosing them, it is necessary to pay attention to the current condition of the patient, the stage of the disease and the complications associated with it.

Unfortunately, such factors are often overlooked and many women do not think about the consequences of the procedures. They do not consult a doctor about whether anti-cellulite massage is possible with varicose veins, but rely on the choice of a massage parlor staff member.

Even a

certified specialist cannot assess all the risks in patients with varicose veins. At best, before the first session, he asks for a certificate from the doctor, at worst, he ignores the presence of varicose veins.

Phlebologists say that foot massage with varicose veins should be done with extreme caution, especially if the disease is progressing.

It is believed that improper physical exposure to soft tissues and blood vessels can provoke complications:

  • Additional stretching of the veins with the formation of large "pockets" in which a thrombus may form;
  • rupture of vessel wall with further bleeding;
  • inflammation of the vascular wall;
  • A thrombus division that can travel to internal organs along the venous network.

Before deciding whether it is possible to massage varicose veins, the patient should undergo a preliminary examination to determine the conditions that prevent the use of this method of therapy.


Several contraindications to massage of varicose veins of the lower extremities can be observed: from existing skin lesions to the area of ​​intentional impact, systemic pathologies that can instantly cause complications during physical action on the tissues.

The absolute reasons why massage techniques should not be used for varicose veins of the legs are:

How to do a massage for varicose veins
  1. Acute inflammatory and infectious processes. In such diseases direct physical exposure can provoke the spread of infection or thrombosis.
  2. Thrombophlebitis or a tendency to form blood clots. During the session, the thrombus may rupture with further development of ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, or thromboembolism of internal organs (most often the lungs).
  3. 3 degrees of hypertension. An increase in blood pressure puts extra stress on the veins and increases venous blood volume. Excessive stretching and cracking of the vessel walls may occur.
  4. Atherosclerotic vascular changes. The procedure can cause the lipid plaque to secrete and lead to thrombosis, ischemia and other complications.

Massage of the lower extremities with varicose veins is strictly prohibited in patients suffering from dermatitis and other skin diseases in the affected area.

Unconditional exception, the method has relative contraindications. For example, the procedure of using certain oils or topical preparations is not carried out for those who suffer from individual intolerance to funds.

The list of contraindications may also depend on the type of massage:

  • Contraindications for LPG massage for varicose veins, vacuum and anti-cellulite techniques is an undercompensated process;
  • Hydromassage is not used for signs of trophic ulcer;
  • Impulse impact using household electronic devices is contraindicated in arrhythmias and other heart diseases, epilepsy.

Important!Do not hide from a specialist or attending physician concomitant or underlying illnesses that could lead to a refusal to attend a session. This can have dangerous consequences for health and life.

Types of massage for varicose veins

There are several types of varicose vein foot massage that have individual characteristics and are therefore used at different stages of the disease and in concomitant diseases. There are not many techniques that have the advantage of pronounced anti-varicose action. Most foot massage for varicose veins is borrowed from cosmetology practice. It is a procedure under the influence of fragmentation and vacuum, lymphatic drainage and modern LPG techniques, hydromassage and others.

Washing massage of varicose veins of the lower extremities is allowed only in stage 1, where there are no signs of decompensation (visible veins, tissue ischemia). With the development of venous insufficiency, the vacuum created by the banks helps to normalize capillary and venous blood flow, removes swelling, and helps normalize tissue nutrition. In later stages, as well as in chronic varicose veins, any type of vacuum massage is contraindicated for varicose veins, including canned.

The use of LPG massage for varicose veins - a more modern technique of vacuum apparatus - shows excellent results in stages 1 and 2 of the disease. With chronic and rapidly progressive varicose veins, this technique is contraindicated.

The use of gentle lymphatic drainage massage techniques for varicose veins of the legs is justified at any stage of the disease, as it is accompanied by stagnant processes.

With the help of technical and mechanical lymphatic drainage, significant improvements can be achieved in several ways:

  • Eliminate swelling;
  • Improving tissue nutrition and reducing ischemic changes;
  • restore venous blood flow;
  • Eliminate muscle spasms and reduce pain.

As for the popular anti-cellulite foot massage for varicose veins, it can be used with extreme caution only in the absence of superficial varicose veins and pronounced ischemic changes. Any technique of this type of therapy will be useful in the early stages of the disease, especially if the patient is overweight.

Anti-cellulite action with varicose veins should not be accompanied by tissue heating. For patients with such a diagnosis, massage is recommended without the use of warm ointments and pre-warming of the limbs.

Hydromassage of the legs of varicose veins is possible at any stage of the disease. It can be performed in salons and specialized clinics, as well as at home. A special whirlpool bath or shower head with several water pressure regimes can act as a whirlpool.

You can usually use the treatment with warm water during the procedures:

  • essential oils with firming and tonic effect;
  • chamomile or calendula decorations;
  • In case of severe leg fatigue you can use decorations with a calming effect (mint, rosemary).
For varicose veins you can also use household mechanical foot massagers equipped with pimples, soft needles or a vibrating attachment. Such devices are most effective in the early stages of varicose veins and in the case of chronic acute venous injury, it helps to alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Foot massage for varicose veins at home

Varicose Home (Independent) Massage is an affordable and absolutely free alternative for those who for various reasons can not visit a clinic or massage parlor. Self-massage of the feet with varicose veins is the same necessity as taking medication orally and using external agents.

However, in order for the exposure not to damage the vessels, a number of rules must be followed:

  • Before massaging varicose veins, consult your doctor and follow his recommendations;
  • Carefully study the literature describing the different techniques and select the type of impact according to the current condition and degree of varicose veins;
  • Study the contraindications and carefully assess your condition, do not notice the signs of changes that hinder the use of massage techniques.
To perform a foot massage at home with varicose veins, you will need not only theoretical knowledge, but also special equipment: massager, creams and gels, a special shower head (if hydromassage is chosen) and compression underwear, which should be worn after the session. . . . It is desirable to buy them in specialty stores.


Algorithm for massaging varicose veins of the lower extremities is standard for any type of procedure:

  1. Rest and relief of the circulatory system of the extremities. It is recommended to lie down 10-30 minutes before the session, place your feet on a pillow or roller so that they are slightly above heart level.
  2. It is necessary to start the procedure at rest, without getting up and moving. It is enough to sit on a comfortable chair or on the edge of the bed, feet on the floor.
  3. Before doing a foot massage, you should apply anti-varicose vein (any venotonic cream or ointment prescribed by your doctor). It is not necessary to distribute it over the entire surface of the feet - it is enough to apply the medicine on the heart of the hand and warm it slightly.
  4. It is necessary to start the impact from the lower part of the legs, gradually rising from the legs to the thighs.
  5. It is essential to perform the movements smoothly, without sudden cramps and pressure. The range of motion is wide. During the hydromassage, circular movements of limited amplitude are performed.
  6. In areas where spider veins and rash veins are visible, the degree of pressure on the tissue should be minimal.

Each foot should be massaged for at least 20 minutes, after which they return to the starting position - rest with slightly raised legs - and stay in it for 10-15 minutes. After that, you can put on compression garments.

If a burning sensation appears during the session, the skin becomes pale, swelling and pain intensify, it should be stopped.

A minimum of 10 self-massage sessions are required to demonstrate positive dynamics. An interval of 1 or 2 days should be observed between individual treatments. Daily massage of varicose veins can provoke complications.