What is it and how is the surgery performed on varicose veins in the legs?

The treatment of varicose veins in the legs with the help of medicines is not always has a positive effect.

the surgery of varicose veins

It is particularly difficult to treat varicosity, if it is in an advanced stage. In this scenario, surgery – the only way to deal with the pathology.

For many people, the surgery is a terrible process, so that it is for a long time afraid to go to the doctor, be based on a domestic form of treatment. The disease, when this continues to progress, and the condition of the patient deteriorates.

Function with varicosity of the lower limbs is attributed under the following conditions:

  • if subcutaneous veins increased as a result of normal pathology?
  • if the disease is in an advanced stage, when treatment varicosity medicines or folk remedies do not help?
  • the formation of trophic ulcers for покровах it?
  • if there are disorders of vascular blood circulation, in which the patient feels constant fatigue, quickly tired, feel the pain and feeling of heaviness in the legs?
  • if it was acute thrombophlebitis;
  • if you have trophic lesions of the skin.

For some patients the surgery in the varicose veins in the legs may be contraindicated. Factors preventing the escape of performing surgery, is:

  • the hypertension?
  • severe infectious diseases?
  • coronary disease?
  • the age of the patient (over 70 years)?
  • diseases of the skin, eczema, erysipilatous inflammation etc.?
  • the second half of pregnancy.
The surgery is the most effective and safe treatment option varicosity. An experienced physician can quickly eliminate the pathology, and the patient will return to a normal life, without experiencing the discomforts that hurt the disease.

The types of intervention

Kind of surgery it is defined, depending on the individual characteristics of a leak of the disease. Certain types of operation, suitable for one person, can completely take a different approach. Before you assign the surgery, the doctor examines the form of the disease, the symptoms, as well as the likelihood of complications.

the surgical treatment of varicose veins


The most time-consuming and complicated process that is associated with the high probability of complications, is phlebectomy surgery for removal of varicose veins. The appointed only in cases, when other treatments are not able to get any favorable result.

In the process of this surgery in the groin area of the patient make small (3-5 mm) incisions, through which the affected vein is tied to the place where it flows in a deep vein, then cut, and the pulling of the feet with the help of special controls. After the removal of veins in the area of incisions impose рассасывающие seams. The surgery takes from 1 to 2 hours, while the patient is in the hospital not exceed days, then relax at home.

A variation phlebectomies is such a process as miniphlebectomy, in which the body is not made incisions and holes. This method allows you to pass function with the smallest constant trauma to the skin and to reduce the period of recovery.

Expoliantes – another kind of surgical treatment of varicosity. In the process of this process is not removed the whole of vienna fully, but only a small part, which was the varicose extension. The removal is done through the holes in the skin, avoiding the overlap of the seam.


Less traumatic method of surgery is considered sclerotherapy. It lies in the fact that with the help of ultrasound defined the exact place of extensive veins, which is given a special chemical (sclerosant). The essence brings together the affected blood vessels, blocking the stream of blood in him. After this operation in place of a sick vein scar tissue is formed, disappear swellings. The patient to stop torturing the severity and pain in the feet, and if they had a place trophic ulcer, that will quickly heal.

Sclerotherapy are of two types:

  1. Echo-deduxit is sclerotherapy. This function is used in the case of, if the diameter of the affected veins reached 1 cm and above. At the beginning of vienna, and then with the help of a special device – дуплексного of the scanner, and then, under the control of a possible puncture, after which it is inserted into the vein sclerosant. This process allows you to reduce in diameter struck vessel and restore normal blood circulation to this.
  2. Sclerosing foam. The most safe and completely painless kind of склеротерапии. The affected vessel is given a special foam, that fills and to interrupt temporarily the blood flow inside this vessel.
For maximum effect, usually go through various procedures склеротерапии. The recurrence of varicosity after, there are almost no.

Laser photocoagulation

phlebitis function hardening

Surgery to remove the varicosity veins in the legs laser is considered to be the most technologically-view match with varicosity and helps to eliminate pathologic dilatation of the 90% of patients. During this procedure, tissue sections can't be, that allows you to avoid cosmetic defects.

Through the hole in the skin is administered laser light guide that emits light waves. Under the influence of the happening dissolution of the patient's vessels. This method will be in the low number of relapses – recurrent education varicosity occur only 5% of patients.

Like technology laser coagulation method of treatment varicosity is radiofrequency contritio. The essence of the method is the exposure to the affected vein, microwaves, heated vessel, causing the "drink champagne". This method of treatment is considered to be the most easy and painless. It can be applied and in severe cases, when the veins reach large sizes.

The possible consequences and the situation in the postoperative period

Almost all of the types of transactions that are carried out for the treatment varicosity leg, pass safely, and to cause complications in very rare cases.

Greater chance of complications and of severe leakage of the heart period are observed phlebectomies. In the area of remote vein may occur hematoma, and sometimes of the incisions can blood flowing, as well as in close proximity are outputs of other veins.

After 2-3 days after surgery, some patients may increase temperature. This is due to aseptic inflammatory processes in the blood that accumulates under the skin.

If full of blood will be much in the veins can form lumps, painful to the touch. If the skin over clumps acquired a reddish tint, so it started bacterial inflammation. In this case, it is required urgent hospitalization.

Other possible complications after surgery may be:

  • Numbness of the skin, pain. Will arise in the event that during the surgery damaged nerve endings. Over time pain will be gone, and the sensitivity of the skin will recover.
  • Bruises. Are formed when phlebectomies, since it's pretty traumatica function. After a while, usually no more than a month, they disappear completely. With minimally invasive methods of treatment (sclerotherapy or laser photocoagulation) bruises are almost never remain.
  • The swelling. Can occur, if the patient will not need recipes doctor during the postoperative period – a lot of moves, do not bring special clothing or exposing himself to a great physical strain.

After surgery, most patients lead an inactive way of life. Due to гиподинамии can be a dangerous phenomenon, such as acute deep vein thrombosis of the lower limbs. To prevent it, you will need to do special exercises, diet and medicines, prevent thrombosis.

varicose veins surgery laser photocoagulation

The restoration after the removal of varicosity of the lower limbs

Compliance with the deposit physician during the postoperative period is the most important part of the treatment and the prevention of recurrence of varicosity. Most patients it is recommended that:

  1. Closely бинтовать leg with an elastic bandage.
  2. Wearing a special compression garment – socks or tights.
  3. No weights over 10 kg first six months after surgery.
  4. Exercise with moderate physical activity – children's walking, swimming, riding a bike.
  5. To check the weight of the body if you have problems with excessive weight.
  6. Every year, be course download venotonic drugs.
Within 3 days after the transaction patients are forbidden to smoke and consume alcohol, sunbathe, weights, drove the car and take the hot baths.

When the pain in the прооперированной leg can help a light massage, which can conduct yourself.

Recommendations for the prevention of relapses

If even surgery to overcome the varicosity veins was performed with success, there's always the risk of re-development of the disease. To minimize the likelihood of relapse, they must comply with preventive measures:

  • to lead an active lifestyle – exercising, often walk in the fresh air?
  • in a seated position you will need to ensure that the attitude of the body was flat, it puts one foot to the other, as this leads to violations of venous blood flow?
  • struggling with excess weight?
  • moderate drinking of coffee and tea?
  • every morning to perform exercises of the feet;
  • to resign from a very tight and narrow shoes and clothes.

Varicose veins are a disease that even after a complete cure requires adherence to a specific lifestyle.

varicose veins operation consequences

Precautionary measures after the surgery, you will need to adhere to no first months, and throughout life. The only way you will be able to normalize the condition of his body, and to exclude the possibility of re-development of the disease.