Removal of varicose veins: when there is no alternative

Everything was tried, and the surgeon informs you that it is essential for the removal of varicose veins. Don't despair, because sometimes the surgery and the truth the best possible production. And it is worth not only to agree with the removal of varicose veins, but also to ask how to prepare for it, and as it happens.

Removal of varicose veins – dispelling the myths

As with any surgery, removal of varicose veins we are trying to pull a little more, don't go, don't even think about him. But, unfortunately, the problem's not going anywhere. Procedures that change vienna, is irreversible, and the longer I postpone the appointment with the doctor, so with the big problems we have to face, is the most important of varicose veins time. The waste of. It is worth to wait for dysfunctional site? What prevents us from going to the surgeon?

Removal of varicose veins

There is a myth, that the deletion of the veins will have a negative impact in the future in the bloodstream. This is a mistake. Removal of subcutaneous veins do not interfere with the normal flow of blood and safe for the body, because through subcutaneous veins (i.e. the affects of varicose veins) in a normal leakage does not exceed 10% of the blood. 90% of the venous blood can tolerate the deep and the so-called interface of the veins of the legs.

Another legend says that such an operation hardly tolerated by the body, that is lost great amount of blood, as well as many incisions time to heal, limiting our movement. But it is not so. Progress too far forward, and run cases do not threaten even the tenth share of such horrendous torture. In addition, in the last few years, has received the widespread method of seamless removal of varicose veins – removal without incisions, through punctures of the skin. The surgery is particularly productive in the early stages of varicose veins.

So, if there are indications for surgery, we must not procrastinate with the performance, because from what before this has been effected, the sooner will come the normalization of blood flow and the treatment of other disorders and complications of varicose veins.

Removal of varicose veins – indications and contraindications

There are several indications for surgery for the removal of varicose veins:

  • with extensive varicose veins:
  • if subcutaneous veins pathologically ltd?
  • if varicose subcutaneous veins accompanied by increased fatigue of the legs and edema;
  • if in the face of signs of outflow of blood, feeling of heaviness, swelling, increased fatigue of the feet;
  • phlebitis is accompanied by a trophic ulcer?
  • when acute thrombophlebitis varicose veins.

However, along with the indications for surgery, there are contraindications. Thus, the transactions are not carried out:

  • in an advanced stage of varicose veins
  • in hypertensive disease
  • when coronary artery disease
  • in severe infectious processes
  • older patients
  • in inflammatory processes in the legs, eczema, pyoderma, erysipelas, inflammation, etc.
  • do not function during pregnancy.

Also it is important to remember that during the course of surgery can be used various drugs, and if he has an intolerance or allergy to any drug, especially in novocaine and iodized substances, if you are taking any medications, be sure to mention it to the surgeon.

Removal of varicose veins - what is the procedure and what should I do after that?

Preparing for surgery to remove veins completely simple

Varicose veins
  • Shower,
  • Fully shaving leg, in which the surgery will be performed,
  • Before surgery, the skin of the feet must be healthy and don't are there any pustular disease,
  • If the surgery is scheduled to be done under general anesthesia, before the operation, appoint mandatory enemas
  • The surgery come into a spacious shoes and clothes.

Surgery for removal of varicose veins takes about 2 hours. As a result of the surgery, the patients of vienna are hereby repealed. Traces on the skin after the surgery for removal of varicose veins is almost invisible as soon as 3-5 mm. During surgery in varicose dilatation is used anesthesia. In case of detection of wrong operation of the valves of the veins, correction insolvent valves, for the purpose of restoring the normal outflow of blood.

After surgery on the veins you want to follow a few instructions, the main of which — elastic compression. After surgery, the patient is encouraged around the clock for over 1.5—2 months to use an elastic bandage or elastic stockings. In addition, for the restoration of function works feet shall appoint venotonic drugs.

Also, from the first hours after surgery is recommended? low risk of frostbite, bend the legs, etc. And a simple lifting of the end of the bed for 8-10 cm significantly improves the flow of venous blood. The next day after surgery of varicose veins are sutured with the application of compression stockings or elastic bandage on both legs from the toes up to the knee joints. Allowed to walk only after ligation. Also, after the vein removal is recommended physical therapy and light massage such as the prevention of thrombosis. Approximately two weeks should not take aerobic classes, fitness or exercise bikes, as well as access to a sauna and a steam room. Elastic compression is necessary still at least 2 months after the release of the seams.