Varicose veins in the legs: symptoms and treatment

varicosity veins in the legs – is not only an aesthetic problem that is of concern to the people about the attractiveness, but also a dangerous disease, which requires appropriate treatment and compliance with the prevention measures.

Reasons for appearance of varicose veins too: starting from a sedentary life, physical over and ends with the hormonal collapse, congenital weakness of the walls of blood vessels, pregnancy. What happens during varicosity it? When the varicose enlargement of the veins of the lower limbs lose their normal elasticity, and under the pressure of the blood stretched.

The valves in the veins in the normal state is visible the locks, and when the blood passes through them, they close and give possibilities of reverse the outflow of blood. If the work valve are observed failures, the blood can freely be delivered to the bottom, resulting in the stagnation of the blood.

In this context, the veins can not cope with the pressure, dilation, valves are no longer able to block a large flute - all of this causes occur the initial stage of varicosity.

Varicose veins

Causes of varicosity

Why does the varicosity, and what is this? The main risk factors for the development of the disease is considered to be the genetic predisposition and the genitals. The love for the high calcibus, a hormonal adjustment during pregnancy and taking oral contraceptives, women are the victims of varicosity two times more often than men.

Development of the disease contribute to:

  1. Heredity. The inheritance passes, not the disease itself, but genetically due to the structure of the veins: can connective tissues venous walls, congenital defective valves of the veins. For this varicosity may be observed in young, healthy and active (regardless of gender) people, even in children. According to scientists, the genetic predisposition is an important factor, leading to varicose expansion of the veins of the legs.
  2. Hormonal changes. Due to the nature of the body in women during periods of hormonal failures are causes of stagnation of blood. For the most dangerous periods – puberty, pregnancy, the time after childbirth. Also a dangerous moment, when it comes to the climax. This category of patients is aimed at doctors 2-3 times more often. In female organs is not enough of a hormone called estrogen. Instead of these, there is the so-called hormones yellow body. It is considered that it is the one that has a relaxing effect on the muscles. This contributes to the dilation of the veins.
  3. Sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, or work that requires prolonged standing promotes the development of varicose veins.
  4. Age. Over time the valves and the walls of the veins become thin, this leads to a disruption of their operation.
  5. Obesity. Excess weight leads to an increase of the load on the veins of the legs.

Secondary varicosity occurs in injuries of the foot, the evils of the heart, violations of the liver and spleen. In this case, in the first phase, carried out the appropriate treatment of the primary disease.

Stage of varicosity

You can highlight the 3 stage of the evolution of symptoms in the development of varicosity.

  1. Stage payment. He didn't complain. During the examination of observed varicose veins in one or both legs.
  2. Stage sub-compensations. During the examination of the feet visible, expressed varicose veins. Patients require complaints to feeling of bloating, paresthesia ("chill") in the legs, night cramps. There is a slight swelling of the feet, ankles and shins at night. The morning puffiness disappear.
  3. The stage of decompensation. The featured participate dermatitis, eczema. Patients with bothers itching of the skin. The skin becomes dry, shiny, thick спаянной with subcutaneous tissue. Small hemorrhages and the subsequent deposition of hemosiderin cause гиперпигментацию.

Alone varicosity is not considered a very serious disease, however, if it has already evolved, on your own will never pass and even more, it will move, leading to any kind of complications, which are most at risk.

the stage of varicose veins

Signs of varicosity

The first signs that show in the beginning of the development of varicosity:

  • quick fatigue of the feet;
  • edema of the lower limbs;
  • feeling of heaviness in the legs.

In advanced stages it can be noted the appearance of spider veins on the покровах, veins, and different seals, evidence of the stagnant phenomena in vessels.

The symptoms of varicose veins in the legs

At a different stage of varicosity veins, the symptoms can be different – from almost asymptomatic small vascular "stars" in a serious and painful events.

Suspicions of development the initial stage may be the symptoms:

  • appearance of pain in the legs, feeling of heat, and sometimes burning in the veins of the legs;
  • weight in the legs?
  • the night swelling in the legs?
  • the night will begin the cramps in the legs?
  • dilated veins?
  • the skin of the lower leg becomes dark in color, appear on seals, there are trophic ulcers.

Discovered any primary symptoms, should immediately begin treatment varicose veins – symptoms in and of themselves will not disappear.


To identify the varicosity of the lower limbs and to assign appropriate treatment, the specialist will propose to the patient to pass a comprehensive examination that includes various methods.

  1. Duplex scanning (ULTRASOUND vein)- the most informative method for the diagnosis of varicose veins in the legs, giving you the chance to get an idea about the degree of expansion of the vein, the direction of the current of blood from the veins and the ground, as well as to detect the presence of blood clots (blood clots).
  2. Contrast venography, which is a research method that allows you to discover dilated veins, and to learn about the degree of patency for blood.

Diagnosis varicosity venous thrombosis may only qualified doctor.

The consequences

Complicated varicosity accompanied by the formation of thrombosis and inflammation of veins, trophic ulcers and skin disorders. These complications appear to change the colour of the skin on the legs, rubore, dimout, venetus of the skin.

Also, it is characterized by constant swelling of the ankle, particularly strong when walking or standing. Beef you are experiencing pain when walking, pain in the way извитой of vienna, stamped on skin and education on ulcers of different size.


If you have a predisposition to the disease, the following recommendations will help to slow the progression:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes without a heel or with a low heel.
  2. With loads can make a bandage for the foot or wear therapeutic knitted things, but only after consultation with a doctor.
  3. Do not stand and do not sit for long periods of time in one place – move it, do charge, frequently change the position of the body.
  4. Do not take hot baths, especially in the morning, it is better to replace them with a warm shower with a final cold обливанием.
  5. Stop smoking, which worsens the condition of the blood vessels.

The main prevention is moderate motor activity: swimming, walking, cycling, charging.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy significantly increases the risk of the development of varicosity of veins of the lower limbs, in that they contribute to the reasons:

  1. The hormones circulating in the blood during pregnancy, increase the capacity of stretching of the venous wall and contributes to the stagnation of venous blood flow in the legs.
  2. Increased intra-abdominal pressure in late pregnancy prevents the outflow of blood from the veins of the legs.
  3. varicosity veins that occur during pregnancy, can fully pass after childbirth, or to go further, that depends on individual factors (heredity, the presence of other contributing factors).
the treatment of varicose veins in the legs

Treatment varicosity veins in the legs

When the varicose enlargement of the veins in the legs, treatment may not be medically necessary, if symptoms are not problematic.

However, some people may want to the treatment of varicose veins with cosmetic reasons, because they are unhappy with their views.

To discuss the basic techniques that will help you to get rid of this problem.

  1. The sclerotherapy. It is a method of treatment that is applied independently, and in combination with conservative procedures. The essence lies in the fact, that in vienna a thin needle or syringe is inserted into a special, signantes the drug, then vienna, then disappears completely. The sessions are once a week, required from 3 to 6 periods. The method allows you to avoid the marks and scars.
  2. Non-surgical treatment. If varicose veins at an early stage, and if this does not cause too much discomfort, then it may be recommended elastic compressive stockings. Wear them during daily activities. Help the blockade of vienna, by keeping them away from the stretching and limitations of any discomfort or pain.
  3. Pharmaceutical treatment of varicosity relieves symptoms, reduces swelling and pain, slow down the process of development, but it is not able to stop the disease fully and to restore damaged vienna.
  4. Laser treatment of varicose veins in the legs can be used on the surface of the skin. With a small flash of light laser in the wall of the vein the process develops sclerosing and варикозная vienna disappears, as if it had been removed.

A big role in the treatment and prevention play exercise — brisk walking, gymnastics, swimming and water exercise (besides sports exercises with a big load on the legs — tennis, weight lifting, jumping).

Drugs venotonics

The action of these drugs is aimed at increasing the tone of smooth muscles in the walls of blood vessels, which allows you to save the elasticity and normalize the circulation in the affected areas.

Many of venotonics are medicines integrated action. The result is achieved by the use of them, applies not only in vienna but also in all the vessels found in the body.

How to treat varicosity veins folk remedies

There is a huge amount of methods for the treatment of varicose veins in the legs folk remedies, both for external and for internal use. The following are the most common:

  1. Colors horse chestnut (50 grams) is required, add 500 gr. alcohol, and then leave for 14 days, every day rocking the bottle. You will lose the tincture in a grid and to drink a tablespoon with water, three times a day before meals. So you need to be treated week, then take a break for two weeks. After the treatment can be restarted.
  2. The infusion of dried nettle is used when the varicose expansion of veins. The dried chopped leaves of the plant is poured into a thermos bottle 1/2 liter of boiling water, insist for 30-40 minutes, filter and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day after 1 hour after eating.
  3. Compress the tomatoes. Finely chop the tomato, lying in a bandage, gauze, and applied to the affected area. For convenience, you can fasten the elastic bandage or another. Maintained is compress the vienna is 2 hours and, then, changes with the new, and so a total of 3 times. The ease of this compress that can be repeated every day.
  4. The tincture from walnuts: the unripe walnuts crushed, pour into a glass bowl, add the olive oil and 40 days to insist in a sunny position. Finally, the injection of lubrication painful spot. The duration of treatment, as and when you use the kalanchoe.

Except for folk remedies, many patients varicosity complement the treatment of specific exercise — feel a significant improvement permit the exercise of Mikulina.