How to treat spider veins

Varicose veins – a common disease that is characterized by an increase of the lumen of blood vessels, reduced work-device valve and the occurrence of reverse voltage in the blood. The disease process can be traced in various positions, therefore, types of disease a few:

  • varicose veins of the esophagus;
  • the veins of the rectum (hemorrhoids);
  • the veins of the pelvis;
  • the veins of the spermatic cord (varicocele);
  • veins of the lower limbs.

The most frequent is considered to be varicose veins in the legs. According to some estimates, suffering more than 30% of the population, while the greater part are women. Varicose veins in the legs – is not only ugly veins, but also many unpleasant sensations and discomfort. The disease process is accompanied by the burden, the pain, swelling, often leading to dangerous complications: thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, trophic ulcers. Many would like to know, how to get rid of varicose veins forever, since it significantly affects the quality of life. But, unfortunately, this phenomenon is irreversible, and the only thing that can be achieved is to stop or slow the progression of the disease.


Cause of varicose veins have so far not learned. It is clear that the disease is associated with thinning, weakness, and loss of elasticity of the vascular wall, as well as incompetent valves. As a result of vienna to become unequal advanced, stretched, long, rough. There is the view that a decisive role in the appearance of the disease plays a genetic predisposition, that is, from the birth of can blood vessels and defective valves.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the development of varicose veins, although it is not the causes:

  • The inheritance (according to the experts, the risk of developing the disease in individuals whose parents that suffer, it's up to 70%).
  • Affiliation with the female gender. This is linked to hormonal changes during puberty, during pregnancy and during menopause, as well as the taking of hormonal methods of contraception, and wearing shoes with high heels.
  • The work activity, associated with prolonged exposure to feet or in a sitting position (hairdressers, sellers, surgeons, waiters, drivers, accountants, developers and others).
  • Old age, where the weakening of the wall of blood vessels and the wear device valve – natural phenomenon.
  • Surgeries.
  • The sedentary way of life.
  • Increased intra-abdominal pressure in relation to overweight, pregnancy, lifting weights (porters, athletes-athletes), common contractions, chronic constipation and cough.

Methods of treatment

Varicose veins – is a chronic process that begins gradually and over time, it only evolves. Fully beat the disease so far is not possible, but to slow down the development and reduce the symptoms can, if implemented in an integrated therapy, which includes:

  • change of lifestyle?
  • diet?
  • therapeutic exercise. in?
  • compression therapy?
  • medical treatments (for indoor shooting and the local destination);
  • surgery?
  • thermal procedures?
  • the popular methods.

Fight with varicose veins have the rest of his life. Self-healing to participate should not. We need to consider the phlebologist or vascular surgeon, who will put the diagnosis, determine the stage of the disease and the severity of the lesion, prescribe the appropriate treatment. Your main goal – to remove or to reduce clinical manifestations, to stop the progression, prevention of relapses and the development of complications.

The effectiveness of the treatment will depend on the performance of the patients all the doctor's recommendations. It is important to seek help at an early stage, when still there is no pain, but appeared in the evening swelling, weight and fatigue in the legs, small spider veins on the skin.

Correction of lifestyle

Without lifestyle changes it is impossible to combat effectively with varicose veins. Rules you need to follow, it's completely banal, and ignoring them is usually associated with a lack of willpower or irresponsible attitude to their health.

  • Maintain normal body mass index.
  • Breakup with bad habits: alcohol and smoking.
  • Resignation from sunbathing, visiting combined and saunas, the adoption of the drum (including the feet).
  • Waiver of high heels (no more than 4-5 cm).
  • Wearing a special elastic knitted fabric.
  • Software motor activity. This can be walking, swimming, physical therapy, certain sports. It is important to eliminate squats, lifting weights, running long distances, jumping, martial arts.
  • The correct diet. In the diet should be more of fresh vegetables, fruits, greens, whole grains, seafood. It is recommended that you reduce the amount of meat. You need to resign from smoked, roasted, salt, fat. From drinks prefer green tea, pure water, juice drinks, natural fresh juices and to limit coffee.
  • Use every opportunity during the day, in order to raise your legs to an angle of about 20 degrees.
  • To buy a special pillow for the feet, for it is during sleep are above the level of the heart.
  • Try as often as possible rinse the foot cool water.
Neuropathy compression therapy The dress compression socks

The special elastic knitted fabric, there are currently marketed in a great variety. This leotard, stockings, tights in different colors and density, which almost do not differ from the conventional. They have become a good alternative uncomfortable the application, and externally ugly elastic bandage.

The special knitted fabric can not be the treatment of spider veins, but improves microcirculation, reduces the load on the veins, not blood stagnates, reduces the diameter of blood vessels, increases the flow of venous blood and lymph. The person feels ease in the legs, in the evening, she gets tired less, swelling missing.

The first time without the habits wear a compressive knitted or crocheted by hand is difficult. To simplify the task, you can buy a special device.

Secrete four categories of therapeutic singlet, depending on the exerted pressure. This can be worn products 1-th degree of compression, which are regarded as precautionary and intended more for healthy people. The rest of us have to prescribed by a doctor depending on the diagnosis and severity of varicose veins. You should be aware that compression of the product may be contraindicated in certain diseases. Tights or socks doctor chooses strictly in accordance with the size, otherwise the desired effect will not be.

Drug therapy

For the treatment of varicose veins using pills and external tools in the form of gels, creams and ointments a different spectrum. Increase the vascular tone, improves microcirculation, contribute to the outflow of blood, prevents the change of the skin. Drugs intended for the treatment of fatigue, gravity, discomfort, swelling, itching, cramps and pain in the feet. Appointed by them strictly separately.

Basic tools of the treatment of varicose veins is venotonics. It is made on the basis of horse chestnut, routine, sheet vine and are almost always well tolerated by patients. They come in pill form, capsules, gels.

Ointment of varicose veins

Daily should be applied to the feet with enlarged veins gel or cream and rub lightly the movements.

To reduce the viscosity of the blood and to reduce the likelihood of developing thrombophlebitis used anticoagulants. This ointment with a basis of heparin with cooling additives in the form of menthol, camphor, eucalyptus. Except for the thinning of blood, prevent the development of thrombophlebitis.

During changes of the skin that cause itching, may prescribe antihistamines. With the inflammation discharged non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pills.


To get rid of varicose veins is performed surgery for the removal of the affected part of the ship, to stop restoring the blood from the surface of vienna, in the deep. The surgery is called a phlebectomy. In its classical form is today used less and less in relation to the emergence of new, less traumatic ways to deal with varicose veins. This treatment is usually appear in large diameters of the veins and in advanced cases of the disease.

A more mild method is microflebectomy, in which the phase of the vienna remove pieces and not through the incision, and through the hole.

Thermal methods

The radiofrequency ablation is considered to be the safest and less traumatic method of treatment of varicose veins, although it has some contraindications. The method lies in the thermal exposure to microwaves, with the result that the venous clearance closes. Key benefits:

  • the outpatient treatment it?
  • you do not need anesthesia and the incision?
  • the restoration doesn't take a lot of time?
  • the procedure is easily tolerated;
  • you can do in the summer?
  • bruising after the treatment, no swelling and pain of minor importance.
Introduction of catheter into vessels

The radiofrequency ablation – a less traumatic method of treatment of varicose veins.

Laser photocoagulation – a method for the treatment of varicose veins. During the process in the vessel wall affect the laser. Radiation causes welding of the walls of veins and complete closure of the lumen. Performed on an outpatient basis with local anesthesia without incisions. In the lumen of the vein is inserted into the catheter through which it is administered, led, and serves radiation. The process without injuries, complications occur very rarely.


The non-surgical method is one of the most common. Apply in small veins and as part of an integrated therapy along with surgery. The bottom line is that with a fine needle into a vein is given special treatment for sclerosing action. The result is the accumulation of the vessel wall, the closure and cessation of blood flow. Die vienna is transformed into fibrous fly. The main advantages of the method:

  • the outpatient treatment it?
  • a small wound?
  • the simplicity of execution?
  • the duration of the procedure is about 20 minutes?
  • a good aesthetic result.

If you run a disease, may develop this complication, such as deep vein thrombosis.

Folk methods

Tincture of the nuts In a glass bowl, add chopped immature nuts and pour in the olive oil. To provide in the sun for 40 days. It is used as a necessary tool, lubricating the affected areas. Treatment last about four months.

Cabbage leaf

Hit the cabbage leaf, so that, on the one hand, to apply a layer of olive oil, to be applied to this place the sick chamber, wrap and leave for a day. To continue the treatment for a month.

A horse chestnut

This is one of the most effective folk remedies. For the treatment of varicose veins tincture is prepared from the fruit of the plant that you want to grind, fill half a glass bowl (three-liter) and pour the vodka. Placed in a dark place for a month, from time to time to stir. When it's ready, rub a patients room for the night. Spirit tincture of the chestnut for internal and external use on varicose veins can be bought in a pharmacy.

Physical therapy

Therapeutic exercise – is an integral part of a comprehensive treatment for varicose veins.


With the appearance of varicose veins can occur the question, anyone can do sport and exercise and what exercise is beneficial. Most doctors agree that the kinetic activity of this disease is very important, as for the veins useful, dynamic, and harmful static. But it is not less important to consult your doctor and for what sports they can participate and what is the load that is optimal. Apart from this, the patient may display a special therapeutic gymnastics, which is passed directly to the medical institution. The house can also perform simple, but effective exercises, that with regular consumption can help to reduce the symptoms of varicose veins.

  1. To lie down on his back, under his feet, putting pads, went up under an angle of 20 degrees. Close your eyes, relax, breathe deeply.
  2. In the supine position raise legs up and rotate your feet alternately in and out.
  3. Lie on your back and make walking traffic, such as when driving on a bicycle.
  4. Lying on your back, lift the legs and make the crossovers (scissors).
  5. Stand up straight, arms down, legs together. Slowly going up the socks, then slowly decreases.
  6. Walking on the spot socks from the floor won't close.
  7. Sitting in a chair wire legs in the ankle joint for yourself and by yourself, then, similarly, bend your fingers.
  8. Put it in the mouth, the feet elastic running water (alternatively something cool, warm).


Varicose veins – procedure is non-reversible, but treatment must be necessary, so most modern methods must be applied in a band, that's enough. Without treatment a large risk of complications, such as chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, trophic ulcers, and even this is a dangerous situation that can lead to death, such as pulmonary embolism.