Apple cider vinegar on varicose veins - recipes treatment and comments

In accordance with a large number of professionals, for the treatment of varicose veins more and more often used apple cider vinegar. To achieve a higher effect of the product is not worth buying in their final form, better to do it yourself.

cider vinegar against varicose veins

In the absence of time for cooking, you can buy only the 6% $ the solution, the composition of which is not a dye, and different harmful preservatives, that is fully compliant with the requirements of GOST. Only in this case apple cider vinegar to varicose veins is more effective.

The use of vinegar

Dignity apple cider vinegar are based on certificated provision of such actions, as a serious strengthening of the arteries and blood vessels, complete removal of the swelling, significantly improves the overall microcirculation and to blood vessels demonstrated a general stimulating effect.

Similar positive results are achieved thanks to the unique composition of this product. Apple vinegar of varicose veins has the composition of useful minerals, vitamins and amino acids. After the use of a substance blood vessels become more elastic, demonstrated general anti-inflammatory action.

If you follow the rules of application of the vinegar, after about a month of permanent cure, the patient comes to improvements. As they say to many witnesses, after a month of use of the tool, leaving the weight of the legs, they disappear cramps and pain.

Features of the application of apple cider vinegar

The professionals dealing with the treatment of veins, offers its patients the most different options for the application of substances. On your own use - is not recommended, since it is important to know what procedures are in place to has a beneficial therapeutic results.

Compresses and therapeutic friction

The most simple applications, apple cider vinegar is rubbing the solution in place of venous inflammation. The process must perform at least two times a day, preferably after the use of a bath or the daily shower. When rubbing you can use the self-massage. Immediately after the event, acetic composition should not be washed.

When performing therapeutic pads, you will need to take a small cloth folded several times, a bandage, put it in vinegar and applied to patients veins. Over a compress have to insulate. Kept bandage from 30 to 40 minutes, walk a little to the lift.

Baths and wraps

During the process, it is advisable to be in a state of tranquillity, and should last half an hour. Organized a similar event about 3 times a week.

Spas are preparing relatively simple. Must be the following series of actions:

  1. You will need to prepare capacity, in which the foot you can soak up from the knee?
  2. In 5 liters of water add about a quarter cup of vinegar?
  3. To enhance the resulting effect in the solution, you can add the oil, cypress, juniper, peppermint, as well as the salt of the sea?
  4. The process is carried out at least 4 times a week, each one of these should last for 20 minutes.

For carrying out such a process dye need mix with cool water. Aspect ratio when you do this, you need to be one-to-three. The legs with inflammation of veins should be washed throughout the day is around 5 times and more. It's the perfect treatment option for anyone who has the opportunity throughout the day to is located in your home.

the treatment of varicose veins

In the process of external use of apple cider vinegar the patient can cope with such a allergic reactions, such as a small exfoliation, itching and redness. For the full elimination of such unpleasant phenomena is quite simply rinse the vinegar away.

The adoption of vinegar in it

The treatment of varicose veins in the legs apple cider vinegar can be built taking it inside. If for external use is fine, bought at the supermarket the product, to drink the essence it is best to cook by yourself.

For the preparation of the therapeutic drinks you need to get a glass of water and add two tablespoons of vinegar, previously prepared at home. All carefully mixed and fully drink it throughout the day.

To with their hands to cook acetate drink, you will need to adhere to specific recommendations and sequences. Be necessary to carry out the following activities:

  • Variety of sweet ripe apples should be very finely minced. The resulting composition is placed in a large pot and fill with warm, not hot water. The liquid must exceed the apples, about 3 cm.
  • If you want, you can add a little honey, which will make the sweetest solution.
  • The resulting composition will have to stay for two weeks, from time to time the apples, stirring with a spoon, made of wood.
  • In two weeks composition is carefully filtered through double cheesecloth. The selected ability to fill up to the end, leaving about 7 cm from the orifice.

Cooked composition is added to a glass of water in a volume of pairs of the soup. Exceeding the dose is not recommended. Be stored the resulting composition should be at room temperature in a dark place. The unique content of the product is in a position to supply the body with amino acids, which starts to produce in large quantities.

Taking vinegar in for the treatment of varicose veins, the patient gets excellent the necessary pro from the lactic, acetic and citric acids.

Contraindications to the use of vinegar

Apple cider vinegar to varicose veins in the legs is not always effective. There are specific contraindications to its use. Treatment with apple cider vinegar should be started after obtaining prior consultation with a specialist. The doctor should examine the patient, evaluate the benefit of a solution for this, as well as to predict the potential damage.

Among the main contraindications to the use of the solution can distinguish such abnormalities and diseases, such as:

  1. Azwenne defeat stomach and bowel, all forms of gastritis;
  2. Normal functioning of the liver;
  3. Various inflammatory diseases, ulcerative colitis and the pathology, such as Crohn's disease?
  4. Problems with the liver and gall bladder?
  5. Violation of normal amount of potassium in the human body.

There are certain contraindications for the external use of apple cider vinegar. It is prohibited to use the product in the presence of these diseases, such as psoriasis and eczema.

To sum up

To get information about it helps if a solution of apple cider vinegar, it is not enough. It is important to correctly apply the essence, eliminating all the possible contraindications. To achieve during treatment perfect the positive effect can be only together with the use of scheduled professional medicines and medical procedures.

If he had taken the decision to undergo treatment with apple cider vinegar, it's worth considering that the overall extent of the overall effectiveness of the therapeutic process will depend on systematic and full respect for any specific recommendations. These terms and conditions will help you not only to completely eliminate the symptoms of the pathology, but also for the time to protect you from this patient.

Testimonials for the use of vinegar

If there is a doubt, if you need to use apple cider vinegar from varicose veins in the legs, testimonies of people who have already passed the course of treatment, you can explore.

Alex, 44 years of age. I have about a month to use this tool in the treatment of varicose veins. Apply externally and internally, and allowed me to at an early stage, fast defeat pathology. I didn't even have to use medication.

Natalia, 56 years of age. My doctor advised me as a complementary treatment of varicose veins to use compresses and baths on the basis of the apple cider vinegar. It helped me a lot, he did everything in the recommendations, because there are no unpleasant consequences and side effects did they not have any discomfort.

Alexandra, 48 years of age. I made a drink, by making everything, as you advised me the expert. Due to the strong development of pathology, he advised me not to drink a glass of solution, and the two – in the morning and before going to bed. At the same time with a set of my medications, I did it quickly to get rid of the problem. In two months my legs have gained the appearance that he had in his youth, in addition, is fully gone the pain. All the girls now, I suggest a similar treatment, but only after consultation with the doctors.