Varicose veins in the legs - symptoms and treatment

The disease with the "extended geography", which is diagnosed in more than half of the inhabitants of the earth – varicose veins of the lower limbs.

Varicose veins due to sudden disturbances in the system outflow of venous blood in the region of the foot, or overflow, and the circulatory occlusion causes the development of degradation processes in the venous walls. This process contributes to the failure valvular system and connective tissue weakness of the veins.

varicose veins in the legs

What "root of evil"?

Huge extended tank system relating to surface and deep venous vessels, and supplies blood to the heart of man. Connects them to each other with a alarm system, allows the early reintroduction of blood.

Basic load in the provision of traffic falls in the deep venous vessels, due to the dimension and durability. And only a small dose of loads borne by the surface vessels.

The heart as a pump, "removes" the blood diseases channels. Under certain loads (walking, human, squat etc.) heart, to push through the veins, exceeds gravitational force (gravity). When muscle tissue of the foot relaxed (weak natrenirovannosti, or in a state of tranquillity), under the weight of gravity, the blood, quickly descends to the feet.

The presence of the walls of the vein-specific pockets, it contributes to the fulfilment of valvular function and leaves behind the circulation of the blood. Price valve of the system is too large, will perform the role of the shutter and any damage that leads to disruption of blood flow and increasing the flow of blood, discharged to the bottom.

This causes stagnation of blood in the veins, the expansion and inflammatory processes, swelling and bumps, the failure valvular system is not able to stop the growing vein. The result – disruption of blood circulation in the extremities and varicose vein expansion.

Cause of varicose veins

The disease has two forms of development – primary and secondary. The genesis of the main varicose of the legs caused by abnormalities of venous wall:

  • lowering the tone?
  • loss of elasticity?
  • increased intravenous pressure?
  • nodular formations in extended vessels.

The development of these diseases is not the last role play:

  • genetic predisposition?
  • advanced age?
  • overweight and injury?
  • large load on the veins of the legs.

To cause the development of the disease can be sudden load on the legs and over-voltage, pregnancy and childbirth. The result of these factors, in most cases, the increased intravenous pressure in the limbs and loss device valve.

The reason for this secondary form of – post-thrombotic varicose is caused by pathological processes in the vascular system of the legs in the form of:

  • thrombosis, have been transferred in the primary phase of the disease?
  • genetic vascular malformation and fistulas in arteries and veins?
  • the syndrome Parks-Weber is?
  • tumours and injury?
  • the immunological and neuroendocrine disorders.
the condition of the veins

An additional factor in development of varicose veins women can serve as oral contraceptives, causing hormonal imbalance. Direct dependence has not been confirmed, but because of taking them can develop the complex processes of pre-existing pathology, due to varicose veins of the extremities.

The initial symptoms of varicose veins in the legs non-specific and few. Very pronounced, varicose veins veins, pain syndrome in the legs during exercise, with the hill and burning sensation the affected areas.

A common phenomenon – the fatigue in the legs, swelling in the back part of the area of the feet and ankles. It appears the syndrome of pain, nagging in nature, running in the way of venous vessels.

Common sign of the early stage of the disease is that the pain and swelling that is pronounced louder in the evening and by morning it will pass. Visible changes of the vein at the onset of the disease does not exist. The patient can experience, only a great tiredness.

  • The illness progresses slowly, can be developed for years. No early treatment may manifest chronic venous insufficiency.

The symptoms of varicose veins in the legs - the 7 signs

Main symptoms of varicose veins in the legs are characterized by:

1. The external changes of the blood vessels. Changed form and configuration deep and cutaneous blood vessels – the most striking symptom of varicose veins. It is noted saccular, or uniform focal thickening of blood vessels with a nodular formations and localization association.

Become purple or cyanotic color. Previously remarkably small blood vessels, appear on the surface in the form of fine vascular plexus. Often these changes are manifested in the tibia and in the internal area of the foot.

2. By pain syndrome. The usual expression – caviar. With the development of the disease, it will become stronger, and accompanied by muscle cramps in the lower leg postural disease – the departure of pain in the prone position and for renewal, during the transition to the upright position.

Painful palpation when there is no visible change, confirms pathological changes in deeply located blood vessels.

3. Edema. Event swelling of the legs during the process of varicose veins – typical symptomatology. Manifests localization in the lower third of the tibia and the foot. When you do this, view a defeat occurs intense itching of the skin.

If, in the course of a night's rest swelling does not subside, it is an alarming message, with a clear indication of the final stage of evolution of the disease (stage of decompensation). In such a situation, you need to exclude the involvement of infection and don't miss out on the development of trophic ulcers.

4. Itching of the skin, manifested prior to the development of bright signs of varicose veins, when they have already arisen serious pathologies venous outflow.

5. Hyperpigmentation, occurs in the context of intense clinical symptoms. The skin in the area damaged veins, with the road and near injuries and damages, it is by hardening (seal), to be dark and blue, is thinned surface of the epithelium and atrophy of the subcutaneous structures.

6. Congestion – the sense of permanent frost limbs, hands and feet.

7. Development received trophic ulcers – is considered to be complex option of varicose veins, either with the consequence that some of the phase changes of the skin in the last stage of the disease.

To different people, and disease is in different ways, in accordance with special decoration, the characteristics of the position of venous blood vessels (superficial or deep).

Therefore, the most dangerous "submarine stone" of varicose veins, be discreet, asymptomatic period, which can manifest itself immediately in an advanced stage.

What doctor-manager will have to address?

the treatment of varicose veins

During the event and even the initial symptoms of the disease, you should consult a doctor immediately. Is at an early stage, the development of the disease it may even discontinuation of pharmaceutical therapy. Treatment of varicose veins in the legs deals with a specific doctor.

If such a specialist in clinical no, the problem may decide the assignment of appropriate treatment.

The treatment of varicose veins in the legs

The treatment of varicose veins in the legs are built in accordance with the degree of destruction of blood vessels.

  1. The first stage due to manifestation of the syndrome of fatigue of the foot accompanied by swelling.
  2. The second stage includes the pathology with persistent edema, pigmentation of skin with the seal of the subcutaneous structures (fibers), and the development of various lesions.
  3. The third stage is characterized by ulcerative defects trophic genesis.

Of course, that shorten the process a little easier, without having to wait for the third degree of the disease. In the early stages of the process can still be of pharmaceutical treatment, for the extension based on the efficacy, pets inside.

There are many ways to treat varicose veins in the legs in the early stages of the disease. Here include the medication or different procedures to minimally invasive techniques.

First of all, this is a compression garment (socks, stockings, socks) and elastic bandaging. When compressed in certain muscle groups, is going on improving the flow of blood and reduction of procedures for the stagnation of the blood. This method excludes the further expansion of blood vessels and the development of thrombosis.

Until today, the ideal medicines from varicose veins, which will affect all the links pathogenetic process in the development of disease – no. In most cases, it is used a special treatment. Partly to stop the process of development in the initial stages, conservative treatment may, but already existing nodal training medicines remove impossible.

Drugs for the treatment of varicose veins in the legs

1. Essential part of medicines that can be of vascular tone, remove venous congestion and to improve the processes of microcirculation in the tissues – in the form of sprays, gels, pills and ointments.

2. For the prevention of thrombosis prescribers, with the inclusion of heparin, a perfect dilution of blood.

3. For reduced inflammation, swelling and pain, often assigned to special gels, sprays and ointments from varicose veins.


During the running process of varicose veins in the legs, surgery can not be avoided. Modern techniques of minimally invasive and radically different from the old methods. Differ little traumatism, and the absence of a clear pain. Is:

  • the minimally invasive technique procedure, eliminate pathology of venous return?
  • multiple modification of the process, selected taking into account the current pathology?
  • the technique of tightening, based on the treatment of blood flow with accumulation of venous walls for?
  • the closure of the venous spaces laser, coagulation;
  • the treatment of varicose veins of the large vessels by the method of radiofrequency ablation to you?
  • and combined technique of hardening of the and other procedures.

The method of treatment is chosen on the basis of the clinical picture. It is therefore very important to seek medical help in a timely manner. We can't hope in the effectiveness of different methods of treatments at home.

It is able only to reduce the acidity of the symptoms, but to heal fully, not be able. For the most effective means, the workers supplement to drug therapy include:

  • compresses, tinctures and warm wraps from fruit kernels, green bark, the leaves and inflorescences of plants – well known for its healing properties, horse chestnut is?
  • the squeezing and rubbing the affected veins apple cider vinegar for?
  • lotion and compresses from tinctures sour milk with tarragon?
  • comparison of basin and lotions for the blue clay?
  • the consumption of grape juice or wine, red grapes.

And certainly no one don't cause any damage, it is recommended and selected doctor special exercises of physiotherapy.

Prevention of varicose veins

As preventive measures apply:

  • cast feet, with a gradual reduction of temperature, to improve the circulation of the blood?
  • comparison bath with the subsequent rubbing with a towel and apply healing cream?
  • massage?
  • during your stay, keep your feet in elevated position.

It is recommended: to give up visiting the hot steam rooms and saunas, to eliminate the exercise for the legs. Balance nutritious diet and to give up smoking and alcohol. Remove unnecessary weight and to get comfortable shoes.