Varicose veins: home treatment, folk remedies

We should never forget that varicose veins — this is a very serious problem. In this disease the veins in the legs become less elastic, and their walls gradually stretched. The disease does not start all of a sudden. The disease process may evolve for many years. And if time does not take measures, then, it should already be quite threatening complications of varicose veins, one of which is thrombophlebitis. Before the treatment of varicose veins in your home, you need to consult a vascular surgeon. He will define the methods of investigation and treatment.

the treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins of the lower limbs at an early stage may be confused simply by the fatigue of the feet. Appears a numbness, a little swollen legs, especially at night. Typically, these swelling pass already from the morning, and the man can communicate with fatigue. But, if such symptoms occur, you can't ignore both of them. Because later things will be much more serious. Due to the fact that there is no normal outflow of blood from the lower extremities, swelling will increase, you will receive the pain and the strong gravity. Slightly noticeable previously vascular mesh will be much brighter and this will also make the discomfort.

Permanent venous congestion leads to the fact, that in vienna, formed a kind of blows, that looks clean, and is quite painful when touched. Until recently it was believed that varicose veins appear mostly in women after forty years, most of the time they spend on the feet. But, until today, this problem occurs at a pretty young age. This is due to the fact that people began to lead a sedentary way of life.

Reasons for appearance of varicose veins can be multiple:

  • hereditary predisposition?
  • the period of pregnancy?
  • the high heels?
  • the systematic lifting of weights?
  • the working conditions, which must be standing for a long period of time?
  • the smoking, the abuse of a bad diet?
  • professional activity, weight lifting and many more.

If pathological process captures subcutaneous thin veins, then it grows reticular varicose veins. The disease is not so serious as the defeat of deep vein thrombosis, but she still needs treatment. Manifested reticular varicose veins pain in the blood vessels, itching, swelling, and spasms. Unlike varicose, deep venous thrombosis, it does not cause complications.

The treatment of varicose veins at home made medicines and folk methods.

Medical treatment of varicose veins

If you are diagnosed with varicose veins on your legs, then the home treatment should start with the purchase of compression stockings or tights. It is suitable in varicose veins in the legs initial stage. Thanks to a special belew improves the circulation of blood. This is due to the fact that, ultimately, the same pressure throughout the limb, and the blood circulation becomes better and better. Also, the use of compression underwear is a preventive method of fighting with the formation of blood clots.

To cure varicose veins at home, you will need to use an integrated approach. This application of gels, ointments and pills. In this case, if we are talking about a topical treatment, then you can choose a medication and use it throughout the course. However, with regard to the pills, to remove varicose veins is possible, only if the drugs of different groups, which in combination help quite effective fight with varicose veins. Remove disorders of the microcirculation, strengthens the vascular wall, have anti-inflammatory action and improve the flow of lymph.

Often the treatment of varicose veins in the legs is carried out with the help of special tools, NSAIDS and preparations, which prevent the build-up (accumulation) of platelets . The duration of treatment ranges from two to three months.

massage varicose veins

It is worth noting that in varicose veins of the lower extremities treatment medication, you should designate your doctor

The traditional way for the treatment of varicose veins lies both in the application of local therapy. In general, the use of ointments and gels is the main answer to the question of how to treat the spider veins. From their use achieves the maximum therapeutic effect, so as to act directly in the affected vessels. Thanks to local medicines strengthens venous walls, reduces the risk of development of thrombophlebitis, normal work of cardiovascular valves, reduces pain and swelling in the legs. If the disease is not the initial stage and managed to be a trophic ulcer, thanks ointments you can remove this problem.

From varicose veins in the legs appoints ointments containing heparin , troxerutin , anesthetic containing indomethacin and troxerutin, exercising combo action.

Traditional recipes

The treatment of varicose veins folk remedies in the house was always very popular. If you have the treatment medication varicose veins veins in your legs, then the treatment folk remedies would be a good addition. There are cases, when she managed to cure varicose veins in the legs exclusively with the use of traditional medicine. There are recipes that already enjoys a generation. For example, there is an old folk prescription for the treatment of varicose veins, used and even our grandmothers. Under the condition of normal use, the tool will help you to get rid of the vascular mesh and make it less visible veins.

For cooking in from of varicose veins take two carrots, two fleshy leaf of aloe and five tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Boil the carrots and make mashed potatoes. From the leaves of aloe vera take out the flesh and mix carefully with apple cider vinegar. To create a homogeneous paste all of the materials can be mixed with the help of a blender. Application popular treatment of varicose veins need daily. To apply massage, to withstand forty minutes, and rinse with lukewarm water. Strengthening effect can be achieved, if separate lubrication of the affected veins with apple cider vinegar.

As vein therapy folk remedies, you can use the miracle ointment of varicose veins. To cook is a folk remedy for the treatment of varicose veins in the legs are easy to at home. The ointment simple, but when you do this, it gathers a huge amount of positive reviews. The main ingredients are pork fat, balsamic liniment by Wisniewski, liquid honey, pulp of aloe vera and onion juice. Effectiveness of this tool from the varicose veins is that each item has special therapeutic action. And in combination they give a wonderful result. Pork fat works as a base for ointment, balsamic ointment of Wisniewski's global warming and anti-inflammatory action, and make the blood vessels to dilate, which greatly improves the circulation of blood. Honey, the pulp of aloe vera and onion juice are used as sources of biologically active components. This tool can be applied only in the early stages of the disease. After application of the ointment in the patients leg veins need to wrap tightly.

Treatment of reticular varicose veins

When the diagnosis of reticular varicose veins of the lower extremities treatment of folk remedies is welcome. Treatment of reticular varicose veins in the legs folk remedies involves the application of internal and external media. As a rule, all municipal recipes from varicose veins is quite simple, you can cook at home from available materials.

One of these funds is the garlic ointment. To do this mix with butter (preferably homemade, if you buy the key in your hand, then make sure that it does not contain herbal supplements) carefully crushed head of garlic. One tablespoon of garlic take two tablespoons of oil. The tool to be used for the night. Apply it directly to the scaring varicose veins veins, from the top to cover the paper towels and wrap. The morning ointment rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin cream. If you have noticed, that the place has a strong redness, the treatment, the tool should be removed. Normal reaction of the skin, the duration of treatment is not more than ten days. This tool is involved in the processes of normalization of blood circulation.

cream from varicose veins

Another good thing about the democratic method is compresses on the basis of the domestic yogurt. The milk must divide in a natural way without using leaven. Compresses done for the night, the duration of treatment is two weeks.

There are folk remedies from varicose veins in the legs, which can be used both for external and for internal use. This can be said for tincture of horse chestnut. Cooking recipe is simple enough, but the result of the application will be noticeable in a month. In a dark glass container for three weeks, insist on 500 ml of vodka, 50 grams of chopped chestnuts. During the cooking inside, avoid direct sunlight. Better to take it off in a place like this, where you won't penetrate at all no light. Once a week a bottle of shake. The finished tincture strain and take with food three times a day. Strictly withstand dosage: two tablespoons of water, take 30 drops in.

Also the tincture for the treatment of varicose veins can be used as a rubbing and compresses. But, to use the tool in this as it is only allowed in case of absence of skin lesions. Compresses done for the night, to apply only to scare veins.

To start the treatment of reticular varicose veins should immediately after the first symptoms. If the query resulting from the treatment, then there is no unambiguous answer. This form of the disease are treated very good drugs, but also a suitable and popular methods for the treatment of varicose veins. In any case, the sooner you start the treatment of varicose veins folk remedies, the greater is the likelihood that the proceedings are terminated at an early stage.

Treatment with apple cider vinegar

Another effective method of how to get rid of varicose veins is the application of apple cider vinegar both inside and outside. If you combine two ways of shooting, then the result will deteriorate. As all the primary means of treatment of varicose veins can cause allergic reactions, then before you start treatment with apple cider vinegar to determine the sensitivity of the skin in this medium. If the skin in the area of reacting to intense redness, to use the method is not recommended.

Application of apple cider vinegar in it only in diluted form. To do this, diluted in a glass of boiled water two teaspoons of vinegar. Drink this tool you have after breakfast and dinner. The treatment of varicose veins with apple cider vinegar will be more effective if you use it for external use. This can be compresses and wiping. For compresses use undiluted apple cider vinegar. For the night don't leave. Exposure duration funds should not exceed 40 minutes. The process is repeated on a daily basis. The duration of treatment determined by the physician. If you use vinegar for wiping, the skin to carry out a process, preferably after the bath.

Leeches in varicose veins

A still from the ancient times known method, how to cure varicose veins, is the application of medical leeches. But we can not say that in our days it is widely used. On the contrary, modern medicine is quite skeptical in this method of treatment. These surgeons, which administered treatment with leeches is not recommended as an independent. But as a complete treatment use this way to get rid of varicose veins. Before you put leeches, you should receive detailed instructions for professionals. If you have noticed that after such a treatment does not come improvements, the rate of leech therapy should be discontinued immediately. Buy leeches have only in specialized pharmacies. In any case, I don't use the services of people that they catch themselves.

Prevention of varicose veins at home

It is always easier to prevent disease than treat it. That all the truth has been known for many years, it makes you wonder over these consequences, that are caused by poor stance on their health.

Varicose veins can be avoided if we follow a few simple rules. This is especially true for people who have a hereditary predisposition and there is a real threat for the development of the disease.

cider vinegar
  1. The first step for healthy veins is the adjustment of the diet. Should be deleted, or to minimize the consumption of bakery and sweets. Maximum reduce salt, alcohol, coffee, and concentrated broths.
  2. To ensure that the body has not experienced a shortage of vitamins b group. To do this once in six months, drink special medicines.
  3. It is possible to eliminate the heavy lifting and to avoid sedentary work.
  4. As much as possible walking. When walking muscles contract and becomes a kind of natural massage vessels of the lower limbs.
  5. If they appear the first symptoms, such as numbness, convulsions and swelling in the evenings, you will have to take immediate measures.