Apple cider vinegar to varicose veins in the legs: treatment, useful properties and uses

Even in ancient times the egyptians and the chinese knew a lot about the benefits of apple cider vinegar. It is a folk remedy used to get rid of many human diseases. And in the middle of the twentieth century, one of the well-known foreign doctors wrote about the beneficial properties of the vinegar a whole book, representing him for the next few years.

apple vinegar of varicose veins in the legs

More than ten varieties of amino acids, vitamins and beta-carotene, a variety of trace elements, oxalic, citric, lactic, and other acids, pectin – which is present in a unique and worldwide in.

From ancient times it has been used for internal and external use for the recovery of active metabolism, cleansing of toxins, and excretion of toxins, stabilise the balance of sodium and potassium, decrease of appetite, and the normalization of the process of digestion, to get rid of a variety of problems in cosmetology.

Highly effective apple cider vinegar on varicose veins, for what it is and where it is used most often.

The struggle with the expansion of the veins: an effective instrument

Cure varicose veins at home, maybe, if you adhere to the correct methodology of treatment and to use apple cider vinegar. This product helps to cleanse the skin covers and enhance the tone, regulates the function of the circulatory system. For the treatment of varicose veins with apple cider vinegar, you have right to use it.

The beneficial effect on fragile blood vessels vinegar performs for an account of the content of these components, such as:

  • Propionic, acetic, citric, malic, oxalic, and other acids.
  • Phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sulphur, and other trace elements.
  • Vitamins E, c, A, E.

Useful substances, minerals, enzymes quickly absorbed by the body and provide quick and effective relief from varicose veins.

Vinegar eliminates the main symptoms of the disease is determined, reduce the pain and swelling of arthritis, heal wounds, and is a useful antioxidant.

Basic technical applications

Many people use apple cider vinegar from varicose veins and achieve excellent results in improving the situation of the blood vessels and the skin. Symptoms can be treated with proper use.

1. Warming is considered to be one of the easiest and most effective ways for the treatment. Just take a piece of gauze or a cotton ball, saturate the vinegar and wipe swollen of vienna. Without the rinse, the tool should be completely dry.

You can repeat the process two or three times a day. The duration of treatment is set to two weeks. If necessary, you can repeat, but usually this time period is enough for the relief of symptoms of varicose veins.

2. Acetic basin – a very effective technique for the treatment of varicose veins in the legs. You will need a fairly large container – a bowl. In this I have to pour half a liter of apple cider vinegar and mix it with the water. Then, lower your feet in a pot for about 15-20 minutes. After that I didn't need wiping with a towel, wait until it dries a therapeutic agent. When you do this, keep your legs in an upright position. Use the defined procedure several times a week, depending on the severity of the disease.

3. Wrap – is a process which requires gauze. Prepare for marley and pour the vinegar in a small container. Adopt the horizontal position of the body, and under the feet tag pillow or a special pillow. Then, saturate the stroke to the inside, a little squeeze and apply on problem areas of the skin. Wrap gauze small bag and wrap with a towel for extra warm-up.

Keep him in the legs, 40-60 minutes. Remove the towel and the package, remove the gauze – do not wipe the remnants of the vinegar. You need to be fully absorbed, otherwise the process will not be effective.

4. For the rinse need to do acetate solution – a glass three liters of water. Take the cooked the tool and rinse off their feet. You can do similar manipulation is not more than six times a day. After the procedure, not the leg sweep, you should put yourself to dry fully absorb the thermal solution.

application of vinegar

5. Efficiency of apple products from varicose veins in the legs tested and proven by health professionals. Many drugs on the efficacy can not be compared with this popular medium.

You are advised to make special pads. First, prepare a clean waffle towel and pressing it to the vinegar. Wrap feet in two layers and leave minutes and twenty.

During the overlay compress the person must be in a horizontal position. After the procedure, feet do not wipe dry.

6. Application of apple "drugs" in the home involves the use of the is inside. Cup of warm water mixed with two tablespoons of vinegar and drink it on an empty stomach several times a week. To improve taste qualities can sweeten the honey.

A little bit about the contraindications

For use miracle folk remedy it has been said a lot. But apple cider vinegar there are the contraindications. It is not recommended to engage swallowing, if you suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the kidneys, of the urinary organs.

The acids contained in vinegar, with long-term and plenty of ingestion, gradually destroying the shell of the stomach and can lead to gastritis, peptic ulcer. Also, the technique is not recommended in cirrhosis of the liver.

Damage apple cider vinegar is not obvious for those who are prone to cystitis to intense acute form. Inflammation of the urinary bladder can only get worse.

Use of this popular treatment with pancreatitis. You can cause severe deterioration of the disease.

In patients, prone to allergic reactions and individual intolerance of the ingredients of apple cider vinegar, it is strictly prohibited to use even in small quantities.

Find the store or to cook at home: choose the best option

Search is described in in stores and pharmacies may not be achieved. No one can guarantee that he bought the drug is fully safe, effective and ideal for the treatment of varicose veins and indoor use. Find natural apple cider vinegar with all the vitamins and enzymes referred to previously, is simply impossible.

It is better to do the cooking at home, to be sure prominent properties of a unique product.

The first recipe

Use only natural apple juice and already cooked with wine vinegar in the role of the enzyme. In some cases, can become a tool, and without sourdough, but then you'll need to wait for the final preparation approximately twelve weeks.

Press of ripe apples with a sufficient quantity of juice and pour into a glass container. Cover the gauze with a towel and wait until the natural fermentation. First you make the wine, and after a few days, ready for the vinegar.

The second recipe

As leaven, if you want to use, and the black bread. Carefully wash and chop the ripe apples. Place in a suitable container. But the plastic's ability to use unsolicited. Add a little sugar, and bread. Carefully follow the process of fermentation. If after five to seven days still didn't start, put a little sugar or unwashed raisins.

In a few weeks, strain the liquid from the malic mass and leave in a warm place for 14 days. Then, the surface of the plate formed acetate matrix. After the separation, the tool can be used fully.

The third recipe

Warranty productive get rid of varicose veins is the application of quality vinegar home. Wash ripe, sweet apples and chop in a blender. Place created a weight in a pot or a deep bowl. Fill it with hot water, add sugar (no more than fifty grams for 1 kg of fruit).


Remove the bowl in a warm place and within two weeks, you need to insist and stir at intervals, not to formed a crust on the surface. After the end of the strain well and a flight liquid in another container. In a week and a half of vinegar will be ready for use.

The final product must be filtered out, and to overthrow with the bottles. For the filtering it is recommended to use gauze. Just home remedy of the good fruit will be more effective. Be sure to begin treatment with education small spider veins.

The disease will progress quickly, and strongly expressed varicose nodes apple cider vinegar can help. High efficiency this original recipe has been proven and confirmed many positive reviews. You can use a method, or immediately some.

The original vinegar is great eliminates the symptoms of the disease, relieves pain and normalizes blood microcirculation. Sound of vienna, is the result of the active implementation of the apple "drugs". Prepare the recipe to increase the effective exposure.