How to cure varicose veins: the best means for the

Varicose veins are present in every second person after the age of 40. Just have some manifested strongly swollen veins, and more – just periodic pain and fatigue in the legs. Treatment of the disease is needed in each phase of the leak, in order to avoid complications. Consider how to cure varicose veins on legs folk remedies, as well as with the use of drugs and foreign media.

how to cure varicose veins

Surgical treatment of varicose veins

Let's start with the categorical fashion, to figure out what is best is not to come up in this. And then we will learn how to cure varicose veins without surgery.

Surgery is used in the last stages of the disease, or when other methods don't work.

Removal of blood

It involves the incision of vienna or the hole for the purpose of issuing a quantity of blood (up to 300 ml). This allows you to run backup mechanisms of blood flow. After vein removal, you can also enter to this drug.

For the procedure sometimes used leeches. It's not just suck your blood, but also inject in vienna substance that enhances the therapeutic effect of the procedure.


Partly to cure varicose veins in the leg can and with the help of phlebectomy. Is surgery to remove the affected of vienna. As a result of this intervention achieved an excellent aesthetic result: the feet become smooth, without a bulging of the blood vessels. Therapeutic use too much, sure there are: the blood flow is restored.

Phlebotomy can be done surgically, when you hit a vein is literally pulled from the set of blood flow to crochet. The second method – with the help of laser. In a vein laser driver, under the influence of which the walls are glued and grow together. Vienna ceases to operate.

Conservative treatment of varicose veins

But most people are interested in, to cure varicose veins without surgery. Yeah, maybe, but only with a timely approach. Treatment of varicose veins have consistent and comprehensive way, using various types of treatment.

Medical treatment

Or treatment of pills. The so-called pills of of varicose veins does not exist. But there are drugs able to increase the tone of veins, strengthen the walls of the, to relieve inflammation and to thin the blood. Of modern and effective drugs emit:

  • Anticoagulants.
  • Decongestants.
  • Antiplatelet agents.
  • For the treatment of hyperpigmentation of the skin.
  • Antioxidants.

Medications must be prescribed by a doctor or vascular surgeon in the adjuvant therapy. Why only the pills will not cure your legs from varicose veins. You need to use and other ways.

External methods of struggle with varicose veins

There are several options that can be combined or interchanged.

Compressive knitted

Wearing special golf or farmed, that are in different areas of the foot a different pressure, not only allows you to avoid the bloating and fatigue, but also to improve the functioning of the veins. Wear the jersey doesn't hurt, it does not cause discomfort. The problem lies in the correct choice of the degree of compression. It is advisable to the physician has determine the doctor, because this depends on the severity of the leakage of varicose veins.

How to cure varicose veins, just wearing the socks? First of all, we need to do regularly, wearing knitted morning and remove at night. This is very useful especially for those seated or standing work. Secondly, to achieve a greater effect, can be worn slimming socks under ointment against varicose veins, for which he will talk to you later. Compressive knitted can wear and the women and the men. For the last released special socks and tights in black color, so as not to stand out from the ordinary garment.

Ointment and cream against varicose veins

It is a very good auxiliary method of treatment. Apply special ointments like night and under compressive knitted or crocheted.

Thanks to the external means, it can achieve the following results:

ointment of varicose veins
  1. reduction of pain in the feet?
  2. reduce swelling;
  3. improve the operation of valve system?
  4. stimulation of venous walls for?
  5. restoration of blood flow;
  6. prevention of complications.

Reviews point out the effect of the use of ointment only in conjunction with the taking of tablets and wearing a compression stocking. If I put foot and nothing more – the results will not be. But, when it comes to the prevention of varicose veins, ointments will be enough.

Foot massage and shower

Now for the how to cure varicose veins in legs at home. Those who suffer varicose veins, you need to activate the day mode two processes: shower (switching cool and hot water) and a foot massage. The latter can be combined with the rubbing ointment, or take advantage of special room ball.

Massage and shower will help to improve the circulation of the blood. It also helps in the absorption of small clots, which then don't escalate to the thick for the occlusion of blood vessels.

The democratic methods against varicose

You can try to cure varicose veins folk remedies. But this method should be discussed with your doctor and also be used extensively. We present a few recipes from the magazine HLS.

The leaves of burdock

Score burdock in the woods or park. Home rinse them with running water. Pre-wrap the feet a layer of sterile bandage. Then, attach a couple of sheets back in the warm pot for a few seconds. Apply warm strong in the legs at night. To apply this tool it's a day for 2 weeks. Helps the pain and swelling.

Cider vinegar

If the foot no trophic ulcers and other damage, you can rub them with apple cider vinegar for the night. Already after a month, the daily friction nodes resolve, the feet will be visually more beautiful and smooth. If there is a problem with the stomach and intestines, apple cider vinegar can be drunk. Dilute 1 tablespoon in a glass of water, add honey and drink half an hour before breakfast.


You will need 100 g of ground spices. Powder is poured 0.5 liters of vodka and is prepared in a dark container for 10 days. Every day you have to shake the bottle (the bank). After this tool is filtered and used 20 drops before meals. You can apply until complete healing.

Where is best for the treatment of varicose veins

We can cure varicose veins at home? They ask the same thing, people who do not have time for treatment in the hospital, and just those who do not love the medical institutions. The home treatment is possible? when that person can continue to go to work. But to choose and appoint all the procedures you need to care about the doctor (an angiologist). Will be the schedule of visits of the patient, to attend to the dynamics of the disease.

Particularly severe cases of varicose veins can be treated in the clinic, at the department of vascular surgery. If such offices do not exist, the patient can be put in normal surgery. Of the procedures in this case, appointed by injections (diuretic, for the treatment of edema), ivs (for cleaning and thinning the blood), tablets. If for a certain period of time improvements is not observed, the doctor may put the question on the need for phlebectomy or any other kind of surgery.

Fast curing varicose veins will not be done either in the clinic or at home. Even after the removal of the affected of vienna are required to comply with the prevention, to keep the result.

As a prevention of varicose veins

Important question: is it possible to cure varicose veins forever? Yes, if after eliminating all of the symptoms to comply with simple prevention measures.

  • To continue to wear a compressive knitted or crocheted (even a few days a week).
  • During the year to drink 1-2 course of tablets, in order to maintain the condition of the vein well.
  • To go further, to make massage or self-massage, do not forget contrasting soul.
  • Try to avoid very high heels and socks with a tight elastic line.
the treatment of varicose veins

Prevention of varicose veins simple? the important thing in this – interval. If you ignore any procedure, varicose can start again. And you will still have to be addressed. And the treatment of the disease is always more tiring than prevention.