How to use apple cider vinegar in the treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins are due to various disorders in the functioning of blood vessels. This reduces the tone of the walls, increases the likelihood of development of stationary processes. Apple cider vinegar on varicose veins is used with a view to the relief of the patient's condition. This tool contains a series of useful ingredients that help to reduce the intensity of pain, swelling, feeling of heaviness in the limbs. It is used externally and internally, but only as an auxiliary action.

Helps to apple cider vinegar on varicose veins

cider vinegar

The tool in efficiency thanks to composition: contains vitamins, minerals, organic compounds and amino acids. When you use this vinegar in the body is normal, a series of processes that cause the development of complications diseases of the cardiovascular system. Take note of positive changes in the implementation of this tool on the affected areas. If you are interested in the apple cider vinegar, use, and damage in varicose veins, you need to study in detail the composition.

Useful properties of the product

This is one of the most effective means of traditional medicine. Properties:

  • effect against the tumor?
  • anticonvulsant;
  • a painkiller?
  • and etc.

In addition to this normalizes the appearance of the skin: remains the paleness, the veins become less intense. Reduces the fragility of capillaries. However, normalizes the tone of blood vessels. As a result, the swelling is reduced, as it decreases the intensity of the stagnant phenomena. This allows you to eliminate the feeling of heaviness in the legs. At the same time to describe the symptoms disappear fatigue. Apple cider vinegar on varicose veins has a therapeutic effect thanks to acids: malic, oxalic, acetic, lactic.

This tool contains vitamins A, c, E, a group (B1, B2, B6). The drug enters a lot of trace elements: manganese, copper, selenium, iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium, etc.


Despite the large number of positive properties, acid can be applied to all patients. If you plan to place the treatment of varicose veins with apple cider vinegar, contraindications learn first. Do not use the tool externally in such diseases:

  • atherosclerotic changes of blood vessels in the last stages?
  • thrombophlebitis.

If you plan to drink vinegar in it, in this case there are contraindications:

  • increased acidity in the stomach?
  • erosive processes (gastritis);
  • heavy defeat of the liver and kidney of an inflammatory character?
  • violation of the function of the pancreas.
  • azwenne education in organs of the digestive system.

How to prepare

More useful substances are contained in large quantities of products. For this reason, for the treatment of varicose veins is not recommended for new vinegar. The effect of treatment in this case would be weak. Cooking recipe vinegar for the treatment of varicose veins in legs at home:

  • lose the apples in a meat grinder or finely chopped;
  • the raw material fill with hot water (up to +70°C), should cover a weight for 3-4 cm?
  • for 1 pound of apples is enough to get 70 grams of sugar?
  • the tool will have to infuse for 14 days, is recommended for this is to choose the most warm, and dark place in the house, periodically a weight stirred;
  • in 2 weeks the tool will have to strain, the resulting substance is left for fermentation in 1 month.

How to treat

To use vinegar with the advice of a doctor. To achieve the best result you need at the same time to apply the tool on the outside and on the inside, but it is possible provided that there are no contraindications. The treatment of varicose veins in the legs apple cider vinegar need to be, if there are no wounds or other damage. The irritated skin means, also, it is not recommended to apply because when you do this, you will receive a strong burning sensation.


The treatment of varicose veins can be the undiluted vinegar. For this prepare the cotton or cotton swab. It is recommended that consumable materials, which will allow the avoidance of the secondary infection. Tampon soaked in vinegar and start the treatment of the affected areas, where there were visible symptoms of enlargement of the veins. The movement should be smooth. Frequency of use ways: 2-6 times a day. The duration of treatment — 1 month.

Also for rubbing use ointment. Application of apple cider vinegar to varicose veins justified with egg yolk (not exposed to heat treatment), turpentine (1 tsp.). Recommended amount of vinegar — 1 tablespoon Ingredients blend until smooth. The final ointment is applied on the affected areas of tissue, slightly vtiraya of.


the treatment of varicose veins

The duration of the procedure — 30 minutes. The method of body wraps should be used morning and night. The bottom edges cover the fabric with a medium across the surface. The feet must be located on a hill (can put pillows). I need to lift the lower limbs, after that covered with moistened with vinegar dressing (developed in many levels). For tool more acted, instead of marley using the tight fabric. In this case, the treatment will be slower to dry. More material close the polyethylene.


Prepare 1 bucket with cold water. Here add 1 liter of vinegar. The ability to immerse the feet. The duration of the procedure — no more than 3 minutes. Wipe the skin should not. When used vinegar of varicose veins, immediately after the procedure wearing a x/b clothes from top to wool. Wait until it dries tool for the skin, you don't need. After this you need to lift the legs and stay in this position until the sensation of heat.


If time-consuming procedures cause unpleasant feelings, using this method. Use vinegar to varicose veins in the legs, you can combine it with cool water. The components are taken in quantities of 1:4. For example, it is sufficient to prepare 250 ml of product to 1 litre of water. You need to flush the data substance of the lower limbs 2 times a day. Vinegar against varicose veins used within 2 months or more.


Prepare the leaves of the cabbage. It is recommended to pre-cool. For this purpose, they leave the leaves in the refrigerator for up to 1 day before the execution of the process. Compresses of apple cider vinegar on varicose veins do before you go to bed and leave for the night. To do this treated with affected limb undiluted solution. From up close the data areas leaves of the cabbage and dressing (not more than 2 layers). The duration of treatment — up to 4 weeks. Every time you want to use fresh cabbage leaves.

How to drink varicose veins

If there are no contraindications, the consumption of vinegar helps to enhance the effect of the treatment in outdoor use. Drink the solution in the base. You need to add 1 tsp. substances in a glass of water. The drug should be 2 times a day: before eating and just before bedtime. It should not be abused in such an instrument. The duration of treatment should last more than 3 weeks. Provided, and only after the approval of a doctor continue to take, making a break.