How to treat varicose veins on legs at home

Varicose veins – is a very dangerous and unpleasant disease that can lead to serious consequences, up to losing the ability to move. To occur the pathology can for many reasons. It is important to know how to treat varicose veins in the legs, as well as what prevention measures must be observed. For starters, take a look, what represents this disease.

how to treat varicose veins in the legs

What are varicose veins?

This pathology appears quite often. It is characterized by the fact that the veins lose their tone and begin to a painful extend. When you do this, the vessels deforms, changing in length. Be noted disease can always, in spite of the fact that it has various stages of development. The point is that the skin you can see the vascular mesh or protruding veins (the latter the degree of pathology).

It should be noted that the disease most often affects the lower extremities. Therefore, we will talk about how to treat varicose veins in the legs. It is advisable to avoid the development of pathology in general, however, in all the seasons there was a genetic predisposition, with which you can't do anything.

Causes for the onset of the disease

Among the factors that contribute to the development of pathology, are displayed like this:

  • too strong or insufficient load on the legs?
  • problems with the blood and the cardiovascular system?
  • hormonal disorders in the body?
  • the heredity?
  • diseases of the nervous system?
  • inflammatory diseases of blood vessels and internal organs?
  • obesity and poor diet?
  • bad habits: small mobility, smoking, alcohol?
  • pregnancy.

Before you learn how to treat varicose veins in the legs, you will have to deal with the kind of pathology and with exactly what vessels they have destroyed.

How is manifested the disease?

Of course, he can't stay invisible. If you have varicose veins in the legs, symptoms can tell a lot. Among them:

  • the pain in the legs, burning pains and bloating, fatigue?
  • the swelling lower part of the tibia and attitude?
  • not vascular mesh on the legs?
  • seizures often occur during the night?
  • dilated veins with hosts that inflate above the surface of the feet;
  • trophic ulcer?
  • numbness?
  • hardening and pigmentation of the skin.

If you have varicose veins in the legs, the symptoms will be manifested very clearly. However, the diagnosis of the doctor should be.

how to treat varicose veins in legs symptoms

Symptoms of thrombosis of varicose veins

Large vessels affects the last turn. Therefore, at this point, the disease becomes more complicated. If you have varicose veins in the legs, symptoms, lesions deep vessels are as follows:

  • resistant edema of the lower limbs, with vienna, is still strongly don't exude it?
  • pain and shooting pains throughout the leg?
  • increasing the temperature to 37 degrees, which can keep for a long time?
  • the paleness of the skin affected areas?
  • manifestation of of deformed blood vessels, redness in the area are the nodes.

Characteristics of traditional therapy pathology

There are several ways to resolve the problem: traditional and non-traditional. The first is the appointment of a injections, oral medications and ointments. Mainly these drugs are produced based on the extract of horse chestnut. If you have started varicose veins in legs, how to treat, tell your doctor. As regards the drugs, it is mainly applied to those, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, tones and tightens, leading to the liquefaction of the blood.

It's very popular now is a special injection, which affected vessels simply siccavit. If you have varicose veins in legs, how to treat formed ulcers, also, says dr. Mainly used for treatment ointment with antibacterial action.

If the conventional therapy does not help, then resort to radical measures. I mean, is surgery with complete or partial removal of the vessel. Sometimes patients of vienna should be changed to artificial. Of course, every business requires a long recovery period.

With regard to new technologies, to resolve the problem with the use of a laser. Of course, this surgery is costly, however, the reset after this happens fast enough.

Physical therapy to help

If you don't know how to treat varicose veins in the legs, then imagine that the doctor should prescribe a comprehensive treatment, which includes a large number of procedures. Of course, without physical therapy can't do.

Here, first of all, it includes therapeutic exercises, helping to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. When you do this, you will need to take into account, that the load should be minimal, but effective. In addition to this, you can be assigned to magnetic therapy, acupuncture, electrophoresis.

And the doctor may say, how to cure varicose veins in the legs using compression. That is, you have to rewind limb with elastic bandage or wear special tightening pantyhose. Of course, wear them to not be constantly, however, give the result.

Popular treatment of the pathology

If you find yourself of varicose veins in the legs, the symptoms and treatment of the disease are an important issue for reflection. Of course, everyone wants to not talk for another time doctors. However, this path is false. Folk remedy is not a panacea, but it can speed recovery, if you use it in combination with medical drugs.

There are many tools which have already been tested in humans. However, the most effective can be considered like this:

  1. Grated potato or apple cider vinegar. For the treatment of simple everyday rub your feet with this instrument. Already after a week-you will feel relief. However, implement these methods you will need in the early stages of the disease.
  2. An alcoholic tincture of horse chestnut. This tool for many years used as traditional and alternative medicine. For the preparation you will need 50 grams of flowers and 1 liter of vodka. For extraction you need to leave the mixture on for two weeks in a cool and dark place. When you do this, keep in mind that the injection requires a daily shake. Drink the tool you need to 2 large tbsp before meal for 7 days. Then you will have to do a one week break. The lesson is repeated at least 3 times.
  3. The decoction of the onion. For the preparation of the tool you will need a glass of pounded bark, 2 small tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, 100 ml olive oil. All the materials are carefully mixed and left in a dark place for 2 weeks. Usage should be: every day, do the bath for 25 minutes. With this mixture you will need to warm-up.
  4. Green tomatoes. To apply them in the case of vienna, already much widened and bulged. The tomatoes should be applied as a compress for the night in scare locations and rewinding it with a bandage. Note that in this way must be treated long. However, the method is effective.
how to treat varicose veins on legs methods

So, if you have varicose veins in the legs, treatment at home can help you to get rid of the pathology more quickly.

What should be the power?

To treatment was effective, you have to set feed-in operation. Try to eat these foods that are rich in vitamins E and A. Thanks to this you'll take away the pain and cramping of the muscles.

Try to drink more vegetable juices and water. Completely, remove from the diet alcoholic drinks, sweets and spicy dishes. Limit your consumption of minerals, tea and coffee. Better to eat fruits and vegetables. It is useful to use the spinach and carrots. Very useful is nuts. Twice a week try to do for yourself fasting days. Eat blueberries, figs, and sea buckthorn. These fruits help to clean your blood.

For the treatment of the disease prepare yourself broths and soup from nettles, especially if you have been away from for 30 years. To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, eat sprouting wheat and rye, currants, strawberries, wild rose. Eat fish, beef, crab. Salads pripravljena only vegetable oil. Eliminate from the diet any fats.

The prevention of the disease

If you have varicose veins in the legs, treatment, evidence for which is both positive and negative, should be incorporated. However, it is in your hand to prevent the development of pathology.

Try to lead an active life: exercise, more walking, diving and cycling. Try to avoid heavy loads on the arch of the foot. So I'll have to forget about such sports as tennis, aerobics, weight lifting. Do not wear very tight clothes and shoes. If you love high heels, then you will need to have an average height.

Try to change the static pose as often as possible. If you are overweight, this, we have to get rid of it. Do not use medications that contain too many hormones. To prevent the occurrence of the disease will help a contrast shower. During sleep, the legs should be slightly elevated, so that you can enhance the circulation of blood.

Now you know how to cure varicose veins in the legs. Be healthy!