The treatment of varicose veins (phlebitis)

Under varicose veins, or varicose veins, and implies a pathological process, leading to the excessive filling of the venous blood watercourse. When you do this, thinner venous wall with the advent of excessive waves and the formation of specific nodes, or cones in vienna.

What are the general principles of treatment of varicose veins;

varicose veins

This process can affect veins of various localization – esophagus, hemorrhoidal veins of the spermatic cord. But most of the time this pathology develops in the veins of the lower limbs.

This is due to characteristics of the structure and function of the veins in this anatomical area. Just lower limbs, especially the tibia, are experiencing the maximum static and dynamic stresses.

When this flow of the venous blood goes in an upward direction, against the forces of gravity. This is to be achieved is through the working of the chest, the pumping action of the heart, the muscle tension of the diaphragm, the lower extremities, as well as the presence of specific smooth muscle formations – you have the government valves. These valves prevent reverse current of the venous blood.

The veins of the lower limbs presented surface and deep venous network. Under the influence of various precipitating factors (obesity, disorders of the endocrine system, "stand-up" nature of the job, pregnancy) is developed insufficiency of the government's valves, which leads to an overflow of deep veins blood.

The excess of blood from deep venous thrombosis returns to the surface. As a result, the superficial veins, also, are filled with blood, their walls stretched, the length increases, with the result that it appears pathological disease with the presence of specific locations. Thus formed varicose disease.

The treatment of varicose veins aims:

  • Strengthening of the venous wall
  • Improving the situation of the governmental valves
  • Treatment of local inflammatory events in the form of copies and dermatitis
  • Improvement of venous blood flow of blood circulation in the lower extremities
  • Strengthening the muscles shins
  • Notice complications of varicose veins – vein thrombosis, trophic ulcers and pulmonary embolism

The types of treatment


The use of drugs in the treatment of varicose veins, holds a leading position in the conservative treatment of varicose veins. The main focus is to go away for medical treatment is done with medicines of the group aimed at strengthening of the venous wall.

It's not less effective fruit extract of horse chestnut. Between the drugs, for the treatment of varicose veins, an important role is played by the vitamins. One of them, vit. P (rutin) also strengthens the vascular wall.

Tablets vitamin P, is located in a complex with the ascorbic acid (vit. With).

Generally, the pharmaceutical treatment of varicose veins should be combo, and combine medicines for injection, for internal and external use. Between the last group used ointments, gels, non-steroid anti-inflammatory means (NSAIDS). Apart from relieve inflammation NSAIDS reduce the risk of thrombosis, which is also important in varicose veins.

Neuropathy compression therapy

During the compression (stings) of the vein occurs a narrowing of the lumen of them. While accelerating current of venous blood, congestion in the superficial veins.

The simplest kind of compression – tight bandaging elastic with a bandage, made from the bases of the fingers and foot with the transition to the foot, shank and thigh.

When you do this, it is important to tours bandage was straight, and each subsequent tour overlaps with at least 2/3 of the previous one. Recently, by elastic bandaging gradually refuse. The fact that it appeared to be more effective, appropriate, and aesthetic κου'φώματα in the form of special socks, socks, and even boots.

Physical therapy

Between the procedures for treatment of varicose veins appear:

  • darsonvalization,
  • magnetic therapy,
  • electrophoresis,
  • phonophoresis,
  • UHF,
  • muscle electrical stimulation.

During these processes strengthens the muscles of the feet, vascular the vein wall, improves the function of the government valves. However, these methods are contraindicated in cases when varicose veins are accompanied by intense pain. You can't apply it to any skin pathological processes, including. and when trophic ulcers.

The physical therapy techniques can be attributed to therapeutic interventions (oxygen, minerals) baths, as well as stay in the mud resorts.

Physical THERAPY

the treatment of varicose veins

Physical THERAPY -Medical physical education. Dose of exercise shall be accompanied by the strengthening of the muscles of the lower limbs, improve the functioning of government valves, which, in turn, facilitate venous outflow.

Between exercises – uplifting and bending of the legs at the knees, lacerations with socks on heels. Effective jogging, classes in the pool.

Physical therapy does not appear when thrombotic complications of varicose veins. Also is not desirable ski jumps, the game sports and classes weight lifting.

Folk remedies

Perhaps, among all kinds of treatment folk medicine offers the most rich arsenal of tools for the treatment of varicose veins.

Mainly it's the herbs that are used in the form of tinctures, juices, compresses. In this used as horsetail, celandine, hops, nettle.

In folk recipes for the treatment of varicose veins with high demand and certain foods – potatoes, honey, apple cider vinegar, vegetable and butter oil.

It should be noted that folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins should be considered only as a supplement to generally accepted methods. However, they completely ignore this type of treatment should not.

Some folk instruments, such as the chestnut, they found a worthwhile application for the construction of modern medicines for the treatment of varicose veins.

This treatment

Another unconventional treatment with leeches. Is contained in the saliva of leeches substance reduces the coagulation of the blood, and thus prevents thrombosis in the veins. The substance also has anti-inflammatory action.

Also, during the cleaning of the blood leech is reduced the blood flow of the gastric veins. It should be noted that for the leech therapy is only used medical consumables leeches, they do not represent a risk in terms of infectious complications.


The classic way of surgical treatment of varicose veins in the legs, which consists in the removal of extensive phase of superficial subcutaneous veins.

If trauma of this operation is low, in this resort only in extreme cases, the function of varicose veins, when the more conservative methods are ineffective.


A relatively new method for the treatment of varicose veins of the lower limbs. The essence lies in the fact, that in the varicose extended a vein special substance.

Under the influence of this substance wall varicose extended veins stuck, and the lumen of the decreases.

As a result, in place of a vein formed painless flying. To achieve the result they need a lot of imports of a particular substance.

This method of treatment requires experience and skill of the physician that performs. Similar sclerotherapy effect is achieved through laser coagulation. In this scenario, the tying of the vein occurs under the effect of a laser beam.

In the treatment of varicose veins is almost never used, only any one of the above methods. For example, physical therapy should be combined with medical treatment and natural processes.

And after the sclerotherapy mandatory should be used compression tools. In any case, ways to treat varicose veins and the need to fix the doctor – a narrow specialist, the student the treatment of venous pathology.