author Josef



  • Varicose veins: the essence of the disease, the causes of appearance, forms and stages of development. Medication and surgical options for treating the disease.
    17 October 2021
  • Classification and use of varicose vein compression garments: pantyhose, socks and elbows. Rules for choosing and wearing orthopedic products.
    14 October 2021
  • Treatment of varicose veins using traditional medicine: benefits, risks, effectiveness, combination with traditional therapy, possible complications, remedies (green tomatoes, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, horse chestnut, aloe, cabbage, nettle tincture, soda, honey compress, etc. ). . .
    10 January 2021
  • Reticular varicose veins of the lower limbs is more common in women and is the initial stage of the development of varicose. The article says that they understand under reticular varicose veins, because there is this disease and how it manifests itself, as well as the basic methods of treatment.
    5 October 2018
  • He has a problem with the veins of the feet of men – a dangerous disease. How to treat varicose veins in the legs men, say the experienced doctors. For those who don't want to struggle with varicose veins in the legs, you should pay attention to prevention.
    3 October 2018